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Online-Lehrkräfte für das Fach Physik



28 €/stunde

Geprüfte Lehrkraft, moderiert durch das Classgap-Team
Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika

Neue Lehrkraft

Schaltungstheorie und Elektronik Elektrodynamik Elektromagnetismus Thermodynamik Experimentalphysik Mechanische Physik

I have been a teacher for the past fifteen years, imparting to my students the best of my Math, computer, and physics expertise while equipping them with the skills they will need. Additionally, I constantly collaborate with my student's parents so that they can receive ongoing encouragement and guidance from their parents. Together, we can work and take the necessary actions for the benefit of students. I always offer the same suggestion to my colleagues because student progress raises the bar for the organization as a whole and for the employees as well. My patience is one of my greatest assets. I am a Google and Microsoft-certified Innovative educator. For fifteen years, I have been a math and physics teacher, focusing on children's fundamental concepts through hands-on activities. I have experience teaching various levels, including SAT and IMO, and mentor students for international competitive exams. My teaching style emphasizes the importance of understanding the fundamentals through hands-on activities. With over five years of experience teaching electronically, I utilize various models to provide students with a thorough understanding.



17 €/stunde

Bietet kostenlose Probezeit


Geprüfte Lehrkraft, moderiert durch das Classgap-Team

Neue Lehrkraft

Elektromagnetismus Thermodynamik Mechanische Physik

Ciao sono Eugenia, un insegnante di matematica e fisica. Mi sono laureata in fisica all’università di Torino. Ho 5 anni di esperienza nell’insegnamento, sia con alunni liceali, ma anche studenti universitari o frequentanti la scuola media. Durante le mie lezioni cerco sempre dopo una parte teorica di concentrarmi sugli esercizi, cercando di capire le difficoltà e le lacune dei miei alunni. Sarò lieta di essere la tua insegnante per affrontare al meglio lo studio e l’apprendimento di queste sue materie.



16 €/stunde

Bietet kostenlose Probezeit


Geprüfte Lehrkraft, moderiert durch das Classgap-Team

51 Unterricht

Physikalische Grundlagen

Ciao a tutti, sono Laura, una studentessa al secondo anno magistrale in Management Engineering al Politecnico di Milano. Ho un diploma di Liceo Scientifico e una laurea triennale in Ingegneria Gestionale. Ho da sempre avuto una grande passione per le materie scientifiche e gli studi fatti mi hanno permesso di proseguire questo percorso di apprendimento. Proprio per questo motivo, ho deciso da un anno di condividere la mia conoscenza tramite ripetizioni a ragazzi di qualsiasi livello e percorso di studi. Credo che un approccio fresco e dinamico possa aiutare a risolvere quelle lacune che creano problemi apparentemente insormontabili! Mi piace organizzare le mie lezioni in maniera flessibile e personalizzata a seconda del vostro obiettivo, alternando parti teoriche e pratiche supportate da specifici materiali. Il tutto partirà da voi, dai vostri dubbi e dalle vostre perplessità. Insieme troveremo il metodo di studio più corretto alle vostre esigenze :)

10 €/stunde

Bietet kostenlose Probezeit

Elkin J.

Elkin J.
Geprüfte Lehrkraft, moderiert durch das Classgap-Team

Neue Lehrkraft

Mechanische Physik

Licenciado en matemáticas. Flexible y dinámico



13 €/stunde

Bietet kostenlose Probezeit


Geprüfte Lehrkraft, moderiert durch das Classgap-Team

16 Unterricht

Elektromagnetismus Thermodynamik Physikalische Grundlagen Physikalische Optik Quantenmechanik Mechanische Physik

Ciao! Sono una studentessa di fisica al terzo anno. Nel corso del mio percorso universitario ho maturato esperienza con diverse tipologie di esami, orali e scritti, che mi piacerebbe mettere a vostra disposizione. Ho concluso i miei esami di analisi e fisica generale con ottimi voti e sono pronta a condividere le mie conoscenze con studenti di qualsiasi livello. Offro orari flessibili, pianificazione personalizzata delle lezioni oltre che disponibilità e serietà. Sarò felice di aiutarvi!

15 €/stunde

Bietet kostenlose Probezeit


Geprüfte Lehrkraft, moderiert durch das Classgap-Team

Neue Lehrkraft


Vous rencontrez des difficultés dans les matières scientifiques ou vous avez besoin d'aide pour vos devoirs ? Je suis là pour vous accompagner et vous aidez ! Je m'appelle Léane et je suis en 1ère année de psychologie à Lille. J'ai obtenue mon baccalauréat avec mention bien en svt et en physique chimie avec l'option mathématique. Je suis disponible pour donner des cours de maths et de physique chimie à distance ainsi que de l´aide aux devoirs dans les matières scientifiques (math,svt et physique chimie) niveau collège jusqu'à la 2nde. Mon but est que l'élève progresse et gagne en confiance au fils des séances Passionnée de science, je suis de nature très patiente et motivée à aider autrui, pour toutes autres questions n’hésitez pas à me contacter

Sadia A.

Sadia A.
Geprüfte Lehrkraft, moderiert durch das Classgap-Team

Neue Lehrkraft

Physikalische Grundlagen Mechanische Physik

I am a Masters in Engineering with 10 years experience of teaching physics and sciences. I can help you learn concepts, apply and analyse your knowledge and make sure that my students are able to complete projects and assignments using critical thininking and conceptual learning. My focus is to completely demonstrate tge topic to student to ensure progressive outcomes. I have received 6 honourariums from my organization for generating excellent results and for bringing the best out of my students.


Geprüfte Lehrkraft, moderiert durch das Classgap-Team

Neue Lehrkraft

Schaltungstheorie und Elektronik Elektromagnetismus Thermodynamik Flüssigkeitsphysik Physikalische Grundlagen Physikalische Optik

Hello everyone, My name is Anass El Ouallale, a teacher of mathematics and science. My career has enabled me to gain significant experience in teaching both in general high schools and vocational high schools, endowing me with a valuable dual expertise that enriches my courses and pedagogical approach. What sets me apart is my deep commitment to innovation in education. I have pursued a University Diploma focused on teaching through serious games, a fun and effective method that transforms learning into an engaging adventure. Additionally, I hold a master's degree in research in the didactics of science, which allows me to ground my courses in the latest pedagogical advancements and offer you a deep and nuanced understanding of the concepts we will explore together. I also hold a CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning) certification, qualifying me to teach mathematics and physical sciences in English. This skill is particularly valuable for those of you looking to strengthen your mastery of English while exploring these disciplines, thus offering a dual learning opportunity. My teaching method is structured to provide you with a solid work methodology and the appropriation of fundamental concepts in mathematics and sciences. My courses are designed for students of all levels eager to deepen their understanding and mastery of mathematics and physical sciences, as well as for trainers and future teachers aspiring to stay abreast of the latest research in didactics, in order to successfully pass competitions such as the CRPE, CAPES, or CAPLP. Looking forward to journeying together towards the success of your goals.

5 €/stunde

Bietet kostenlose Probezeit


Geprüfte Lehrkraft, moderiert durch das Classgap-Team

Neue Lehrkraft

Schaltungstheorie und Elektronik Elektrodynamik Elektromagnetismus Photonik

Hello, I am Ebrahim Ahmed, an electrical engineering student at Middle East Technical University. I am more than excited to teach you Math and Physics. Many students are always having difficulties understanding Math and Physics subjects and my job is to help understand them YOUR WAY. Physics and Math are no more than scientific principles that are needed to be applied in real-life problems. As a fellow student, I am fully aware of these difficulties and I believe we can solve them together. Interactive learning is the Key and with the help of new technologies, the ideas will reach you in no time! Stay positive, do your best and see you soon.

Muhammad T.

Muhammad T.
Geprüfte Lehrkraft, moderiert durch das Classgap-Team

Neue Lehrkraft

Schaltungstheorie und Elektronik Elektrodynamik Thermodynamik Theoretische Physik Physikalische Grundlagen Mechanische Physik

I am Tayyab, an experienced online mathematics tutor who is dedicated to helping students grasp challenging math concepts with ease. With a passion for teaching and a deep understanding of various mathematical topics, i provides personalized guidance and interactive lessons to ensure that my students excel in their mathematical journey. Whether you're struggling with algebra, geometry, calculus, or any other math subject, i am here to simplify the learning process and make math enjoyable for you. Join my online free demo tutoring sessions to unlock your full potential in mathematics.