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Online-Lehrkräfte für das Fach Numerische Analyse

8 €/Stunde
20 min. gratis probe
Coralia C.

Coralia C.


Neue Lehrkraft

Unterrichten: Mathe

Numerische Analyse Algebra Mathematische Grundlagen Trigonometrie Rechnen Geometrie

Hola, soy Coralia Chambers, profesora de Matemáticas y Español. Le he brindado apoyo tutorial a muchos niños, jóvenes y hasta adultos en ambas laterias (Español y Matemáticas). Procuro abarcar de la raíz para una mejor comprensión y asi lograr que el alumno pueda comprender el tema o problema, analizar y hallar la solución de los mismos, con orientación pero logrando la resolución con sus propios esfuerzos. En pocas palabras logro que dominen la materia y no que solo resuelvan tareas sino que sepan a cabalidad el porqué y cómo de lo que hacen.

16 €/Stunde
20 min. gratis probe



Neue Lehrkraft

Unterrichten: Mathe

Numerische Analyse Algebra Lineare Algebra LaTeX Lineare Programmierung

Ciao, sono Alberto, appassionato di informatica e matematica fin da bambino. Dopo la Laurea Triennale in Ingegneria Informatica all'Università degli Studi di Padova, attualmente frequento il corso magistrale in Computer Engineering - Artificial Intelligence & Robotics. Durante il mio percorso accademico ho potuto fare esperienza nel dare lezioni sia in presenza e sia online a studenti delle scuole superiori, aiutandoli a superare debiti, verifiche e difficoltà correlate alle materie scientifiche. Mi piace molto capire quali sono le esigenze e gli obiettivi di ogni singolo studente per essere il quanto più utile possibile in base all'ambiente ed al personale metodo di studio. Durante le lezioni cerco di trasmettere la mia passione, cercando di mettere a proprio agio lo studente e assicurandomi che ogni spiegazione ed ogni singolo passaggio sia chiaro, sfruttando il tempo investito insieme al fine di sbloccare a pieno il potenziale dello studente.

10 €/Stunde
20 min. gratis probe
Ruth M.

Ruth M.


Neue Lehrkraft

Unterrichten: Mathe

Numerische Analyse Algebra Statistiken Mathematische Grundlagen Trigonometrie Rechnen

UNE PROFESSEURE QUI SE DÉMARQUE PAR SON ART D'EXPLIQUER INCROYABLE ! Salut les amis ! Je m'appelle Ruth et je suis suis une passionnée de l'enseignement depuis aussi longtemps que je me souvienne. Ce qui me rend différente des autres, c'est ma conviction profonde que chaque élève a son propre style d'apprentissage, et je m'efforce toujours de m'adapter à vos besoins individuels pour vous aider à exceller. Dans mes cours, je suis super organisée ! Je veux que chaque session soit aussi enrichissante que possible, alors je prépare des leçons interactives et engageantes qui vous gardent enthousiastes et motivés du début à la fin. En ce qui concerne mon expérience, j'ai passé de nombreuses années à enseigner à des élèves de différents niveaux et horizons. Que ce soit les débutants qui découvrent quelque chose de nouveau ou les apprenants plus avancés cherchant à approfondir leurs connaissances, j'ai travaillé avec eux tous ! Et devinez quoi ? Je suis là pour vous, peu importe où vous en êtes dans votre parcours d'apprentissage. Que vous soyez juste en train de commencer ou que vous recherchiez des défis plus avancés, je suis là pour vous soutenir à chaque étape du chemin. Alors, mes amis, je suis vraiment impatiente de commencer cette aventure avec vous. À très bientôt !

7 €/Stunde
20 min. gratis probe
Talak P.

Talak P.


Neue Lehrkraft

Unterrichten: Mathe

Numerische Analyse Algebra Statistiken Mathematische Grundlagen Rechnen Diskrete Mathematik

As an online tutor specializing in Computer Science, Mathematics, and English, I am a dedicated and passionate educator committed to helping students unlock their full potential. With years of experience in the field and a deep understanding of Computer Science, Mathematics, and English, I bring a wealth of knowledge to the virtual classroom. My expertise allows me to explain complex concepts in a clear and concise manner, making these subjects more accessible to my students. I believe that every student has unique learning needs and progresses at their own pace. As a patient and supportive tutor, I tailor my teaching methods to accommodate individual learning styles. I create a safe and encouraging learning environment where students feel comfortable asking questions and seeking clarification. Effective communication is at the core of successful tutoring. I excel in articulating ideas, breaking down complex topics into manageable parts, and fostering productive discussions. My strong communication skills ensure that students grasp key concepts and gain confidence in their abilities. I understand that learning is an evolving process, and I adapt my teaching strategies to meet the changing needs of my students. Whether it's adapting to different age groups, skill levels, or specific learning objectives, I am flexible in my approach to ensure students receive the support they require. Technologically Savvy: As an online tutor, I am well-versed in the latest digital tools and online learning platforms. I leverage technology to create engaging and interactive lessons that keep students motivated and engaged throughout their learning journey. Results-Oriented: My ultimate goal is to help students achieve their academic goals. Whether it's improving grades, preparing for exams, or gaining a deeper understanding of the subject matter, I am dedicated to helping students succeed. I believe that every student has unique learning needs and progresses at their own pace. As a patient and supportive tutor, I tailor my teaching methods to accommodate individual learning styles. I create a safe and encouraging learning environment where students feel comfortable asking questions and seeking clarification. I understand that learning is an evolving process, and I adapt my teaching strategies to meet the changing needs of my students. Whether it's adapting to different age groups, skill levels, or specific learning objectives, I am flexible in my approach to ensure students receive the support they require. As an online tutor, I am well-versed in the latest digital tools and online learning platforms. I leverage technology to create engaging and interactive lessons that keep students motivated and engaged throughout their learning journey. My ultimate goal is to help students achieve their academic goals. Whether it's improving grades, preparing for exams, or gaining a deeper understanding of the subject matter, I am dedicated to helping students succeed.

15 €/Stunde
20 min. gratis probe



Neue Lehrkraft

Unterrichten: Mathe

Numerische Analyse Lineare Algebra Trigonometrie Mathematische Logik Geometrie Zahlentheorie

hello I am Amine LACHKAR, Bachelor in mathematics computer, I followed a training in mathematical didactics. in order to transmit this material to future generations, my course will be dynamic and fun, it will be divided into two parts. a theoretical and application part. the purpose of this part is to understand the course these notions. the second part is a deepening part to boost your level and better assimilate the problems poses with their traps. there is also a numerical part that helps to also have a visualization of mathematical problems

10 €/Stunde
20 min. gratis probe



Neue Lehrkraft

Unterrichten: Mathe

Numerische Analyse Algebra Mathematische Grundlagen Lineare Algebra Trigonometrie Geometrie

Hi everyone, I’m Letizia! I’m a sophomore in Aerospace Engineering at Politecnico di Milano. I’ve been giving tutoring to students of all ages for years and can help you in the following areas: - basic, intermediate and advanced mathematics - science subjects for primary, secondary and higher education - physics - basic chemistry - basic, intermediate and advanced english - help with homework and school debt recovery. I like to explain with practical examples and intuitive reasoning. The first lesson of 20 minutes is free in order to set together the methodology to use. Check the calendar to book your lesson in the available slots.

8 €/Stunde
20 min. gratis probe



Neue Lehrkraft

Unterrichten: Mathe

Numerische Analyse Algebra Mathematische Grundlagen Lineare Algebra Angewandte Mathematik Lineare Programmierung

Bonjour, je m'appelle Abdessamad, et je suis passionné(e) par l'enseignement des mathématiques. J'ai obtenu mon diplôme en mathématiques de l'Université Côte d'Azur et j'ai également complété une formation pédagogique spécialisée dans l'enseignement des mathématiques au niveau lycée et universitaire. J'ai enseigné les mathématiques dans plusieurs établissements scolaires et universitaires pendant plusieurs années. Mon approche pédagogique vise à rendre les concepts mathématiques accessibles et passionnants pour tous les élèves, quel que soit leur niveau de compétence. Je crois fermement en l'importance d'adapter mes cours aux besoins individuels de chaque élève. Que vous ayez besoin d'aide pour comprendre un concept particulier, préparer un examen ou approfondir vos connaissances, je suis là pour vous aider à atteindre vos objectifs en mathématiques. N'hésitez pas à me contacter si vous souhaitez planifier des cours particuliers. Je serais ravi(e) de vous accompagner dans votre parcours d'apprentissage des mathématiques. À bientôt!

6 €/Stunde
20 min. gratis probe



Neue Lehrkraft

Unterrichten: Mathe

Numerische Analyse Algebra Mathematische Grundlagen Lineare Algebra

Ciao, Sono Aleksei Nikolaevic Klimov. Per tutti semplicemente Ale. Ho appena finito di frequentare il liceo e da ottobre mi iscrivo a ingegneria informatica al Politecnico di Torino. Sono sempre stato affascinato quando ripetendo ciò che sapevo agli altri, loro capivano. Quello sguardo di comprensione vale tutto il te.po di spiegazione. Spero di poter aiutare anche adesso che ho finito lo studio obbligatorio. Sono vivace, attento, comprensivo ed empatico, ma sarete voi a dirmi se è vero. Non vedo l'ora di studiare le materie che mi piacciono con voi come Italiano, Filosofia e certamente Matematica e Disegno tecnico. A prestissimo!

10 €/Stunde
20 min. gratis probe



Neue Lehrkraft

Unterrichten: Mathe

Numerische Analyse Algebra Mathematische Grundlagen Angewandte Mathematik Rechnen Mathematische Logik

Sono Valentina 🤗,, ⚗️Perito chimico👩🏻‍🔬, laureata in 💊💉infermieristica👩🏻‍⚕️ con grande passione per lo studio 🎖️📚📖e l'insegnamento👩🏻‍🏫. Da anni faccio ripetizioni a ragazzi di tutte le età 👩‍👧‍👦👨‍👨‍👧‍👧in ambiti 💊🔬scientifici 🔬⚗️collezionando grandissimi soddisfazioni 🥂🍾e risultati🎊. Il mio metodo è prontato sul 🧠 ragionamento⚙️ anziché allo studio memorico💆, favorendo un approccio più pragmatico🎲♟️ e rapportato alla quotidianità. Durante le spiegazioni utilizzo esercizi📖 che commento e descrivo in modo che tutti i passaggi vengano compresi 💡 e garantendo la tua autonomia. ❗❗Non aspettare ancora ▶️ iniziamo subito ▶️▶️ LET'S GO ❗❗🥊🥋

31 €/Stunde
20 min. gratis probe
Andrew C.




Andrew C.

Vereinigtes Königreich

22 Unterricht

Unterrichten: Mathe

Numerische Analyse Algebra Statistiken Angewandte Mathematik Trigonometrie Rechnen

Andrew is a retired lecturer in engineering with over 40 years experience in schools and further education colleges. He ran the private tutoring business 'Norwich Tutors' for over 12 years specialising in Mathematics and Physics at GCSE and A-level. Andrew also worked as a Examiner for Cambridge International Examinations (cie) for 5 years. He has continued to develop his skills and is now a leader in IOT technologies working with the American Academy in Larnaca to develop a robotics course. He is also contracted to run electrical engineering health and safety courses at Rolls Royce Aerospace facilities all over the UK and virtual on-line presentations internationally. Andrew has experience of all the UK examining boards in Math, Physics and Computing. Teaching methodology is base round the fact that the student has already been exposed to the topic in class but needs extra assistance in achieving a depth of understanding thereby increasing examination grade potential. The student will initially be given an exercise on the topic requested to evaluate his/her current understanding. Once a starting position is established the student will be nurtured to achieving a higher level of understanding at his/her own pace. The average grade my students achieve is A or B.