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Online-Lehrkräfte für das Fach Numerische Analyse

5 €/Stunde
20 min. gratis probe



Neue Lehrkraft

Unterrichten: Mathe

Numerische Analyse Algebra Statistiken Mathematische Grundlagen Rechnen Mathematische Logik

Hello there, I am Nathaniel .A. I have a degree in Mechanical Engineering 2009 from the Ambrose Alli University, Nigeria. I have lectured at the Edusa College of Engineering 2015 ( Engineering drawing, engineering science). Ekhluhuleni college of Engineering, Pretoria 2013 ( engineering drawing/science). Physics, chemistry, Maths at the kusada secondary school (2 years). I would like to organise some online classes to meet the needs of prospective sciences students from all demographics. Teaching have to do with the 3Hs, the Head, Heart and Hand, we can achieve Alot with keen interest.

20 €/Stunde
20 min. gratis probe
Sammar A.

Sammar A.


Neue Lehrkraft

Unterrichten: Mathe

Numerische Analyse Algebra Mathematische Grundlagen Lineare Algebra Trigonometrie Rechnen

As your math teacher, I aim to cultivate a classroom environment where every student feels empowered to explore the beauty and logic of mathematics. Through engaging lessons and hands-on activities, I strive to make abstract concepts tangible and relatable. I encourage questions and discussions, believing that curiosity fuels learning. With patience and encouragement, I guide students to build their problem-solving skills and mathematical intuition. Together, we embark on a journey of discovery, unlocking the secrets of numbers and patterns

7 €/Stunde
20 min. gratis probe
Louis M.

Louis M.


Neue Lehrkraft

Unterrichten: Mathe

Numerische Analyse Mathematische Grundlagen Lineare Algebra Angewandte Mathematik Trigonometrie Rechnen

Hi, my name is Louis and I'm a PhD student in Data Science at the University of Paderborn in Germany. I have also completed a Master degree in Applied Mathematics at the Lappeenranta University of Technology (LUT) in Finland and another one in Mathematical Science at AIMS Rwanda with a major in Data science. I am passionate about all things mathematical and it will be my pleasure to help you overcome any difficulties you may have in the said discipline. I have two years of experience in distance learning and I'm always happy to help you with any new appointment. Do not hesitate to contact me and I am sure that together we will meet the challenge of making you understand what Mathematical Sciences is all about.

26 €/Stunde
20 min. gratis probe



Neue Lehrkraft

Unterrichten: Mathe

Numerische Analyse Algebra Mathematische Grundlagen Trigonometrie Rechnen Geometrie

Hello, I'm Sowmya Manjunath, a University of Mysore graduate with over six years of experience teaching math from 1st to 10th grade. I also tutor college-level calculus, numerical analysis, and number theory. My teaching focuses on core concepts and engaging practice, ensuring students excel. Fluent in South Indian languages and English, I make math fun and understandable. Ready to master math? Book a trial class with me today and let's start this learning journey together!

8 €/Stunde
20 min. gratis probe



12 Unterricht

Unterrichten: Mathe

Numerische Analyse Algebra Mathematische Grundlagen Lineare Algebra Trigonometrie Rechnen

Hi, I am carmine and I was born in Italy in 2004. I managed to achieve a scientific diploma with 100 and now I study physics at the university. I am very interested in the scientific subject and I would like to share my passion with others even because I noticed in the school due to the lack of time this kind of subject are not easily understood by students and so sometimes they hate maths and physics. In my lesson I would like to understand the invisible and extremely important part of the science that we use in the exercise but we never studied at school

10 €/Stunde
20 min. gratis probe



Neue Lehrkraft

Unterrichten: Mathe

Numerische Analyse Mathematische Grundlagen Trigonometrie Mathematische Logik Geometrie Zahlentheorie

Ciao, sono Giuliana, laureanda in Matematica. Negli ultimi 6 anni mi sono dedicata all'insegnamento per ragazzi di scuola superiore e mede. Insegno le materie scientifiche in modo da adattarmi al vostro modo di ragionare e cercare di rendervi i concetti più semplici. Non abbiate paura della materia e non abbiate paura di chiedermi le cose più e più volte, sono qui per cercare di risolvere le vostre lacune in totale tranquillità e farvi raggiungere i vostri (e quindi anche miei) obiettivi!

8 €/Stunde
20 min. gratis probe
Marina G.

Marina G.


Neue Lehrkraft

Unterrichten: Mathe

Numerische Analyse Algebra Mathematische Grundlagen Angewandte Mathematik Trigonometrie Rechnen

Hola! Soy Marina Gisele Trasobares, enseño hace 18 años en los tres niveles (primario, secundario, universitario). Clases en español. Experiencia y calidez. Actualmente brindo clases en dos instituciones: un instituto universitario a alumnos de las carreras de Cs. Económicas, Ingeniería, Agronomía, Marketing y afines; y otro espacio educativo brindando apoyo a niños y adolescentes. Todo es posible aprender y perfeccionar, solo debes animarte. No importa tu edad. Cualquier consulta, no dudes en escribirme.

12 €/Stunde
20 min. gratis probe



Neue Lehrkraft

Unterrichten: Mathe

Numerische Analyse Algebra Mathematische Grundlagen Trigonometrie Rechnen Geometrie

Hello prospective math enthusiasts, I'm thrilled to have this opportunity to introduce myself and share my passion for mathematics with you. My name is Aurel, and I'm not just your average math teacher—I'm your partner in unlocking the wonders of math in a way that's engaging, personalized, and fun. What sets me apart from other teachers is my dedication to creating a learning experience that's tailored to your unique needs and interests. I believe that math is not just about memorizing formulas and solving equations; it's about understanding concepts deeply and applying them to real-world situations. That's why I strive to make each lesson interactive, relevant, and enjoyable, ensuring that you not only grasp the material but also develop a genuine appreciation for the beauty of mathematics. When it comes to organizing my classes, I take a flexible approach that caters to your learning style and pace. My goal is to create a supportive and encouraging environment where you feel comfortable asking questions, making mistakes, and exploring new ideas. In terms of my professional experience, while I may be new to formal teaching, my background in electronic engineering has equipped me with strong analytical skills and a deep understanding of mathematical principles. Additionally, my involvement in a student group where we collaborate to teach and explain problem solutions has honed my ability to effectively communicate complex concepts in a clear and accessible manner. As for the levels I'd like to teach, I'm open to working with students of all ages and proficiency levels. Whether you're a curious beginner eager to dive into the world of math or a seasoned enthusiast looking to deepen your understanding, I'm here to support you every step of the way. So, if you're ready to embark on an exciting mathematical journey filled with discovery, growth, and plenty of "aha" moments, I invite you to join me in exploring the endless possibilities of math. Together, we'll unleash your inner mathematician and pave the way for a future filled with limitless potential. I can't wait to meet you and embark on this adventure together! Warm regards, Aurel

9 €/Stunde
20 min. gratis probe
Hassan I.

Hassan I.


Neue Lehrkraft

Unterrichten: Mathe

Numerische Analyse Algebra Mathematische Grundlagen Lineare Algebra Trigonometrie Rechnen

Hi, myself Hassan Ilyas currently enrolled in Bachelors of Engineering degree from NUST University, Islamabad, Pakistan. Having great passion towards helping others and as a experienced individual having passed all those stages where students are right now, I have found teaching and mentoring to be the best way of transferring knowledge to students and helping them out. I have been offering my services as online as well as home tutor of mathematics for past 1 year, and now I am showing up to this platform. I'll be offering my online tutor services for the students in secondary level and higher secondary level. As far as my teaching style and methodology is concerned, I like to put my energy in and train the students from scratch. No matter if you are weak in your studies, I'll surely try my best to infuse a spirit of interest for that particular course/subject. My teaching methodology includes use of "Color language" which is indeed essential for human psychology and helps retain things in an efficient manner. Color technique involves highlighting important steps, different colors for different terms, same colors for common terms. So I teach Mathematics in the form of color language. Helping students and let them grab the most out of my experience is my ultimate goal and motivation behind teaching. What makes me different from the rest of the lot is that I teach with a learning mindset as I believe that teaching is a mutual learning process. Moreover, as I have recently gone through this phase of student life, I have a more in depth idea of how to carry students in this learning stage/phase. Further, having a strong mathematics background and engineering background, I can be a valuable addition for teaching mathematics to high school students.

10 €/Stunde
20 min. gratis probe



Neue Lehrkraft

Unterrichten: Mathe

Numerische Analyse Algebra Mathematische Grundlagen Lineare Algebra Trigonometrie Mathematische Logik

--- 🌟 Bienvenue à tous les passionnés de mathématiques ! Je suis Ronald, votre guide dévoué pour explorer le monde fascinant des chiffres et des équations. 🌟 💡 Qui suis-je ? 💡 Enthousiaste, patient et passionné par les mathématiques, je m'engage à offrir un soutien pédagogique personnalisé pour vous aider à développer votre compréhension et votre confiance en mathématiques. Ma mission est de faire de l'apprentissage des mathématiques un voyage captivant et enrichissant. 📚 Ce que je propose ? 📚 À travers des séances adaptées à vos besoins, je vous offre un accompagnement sur mesure dans des domaines tels que l'algèbre, la géométrie, les fonctions, les probabilités, et bien plus encore. Que ce soit pour renforcer vos bases, résoudre des problèmes complexes, ou vous préparer pour des examens, je suis là pour vous aider à maîtriser les mathématiques avec aisance. 🚀 Comment je travaille ? 🚀 En utilisant des exemples concrets, des techniques interactives et des exercices ciblés, je vise à rendre les mathématiques accessibles, intéressantes et amusantes. Mon objectif est de vous aider à développer des compétences solides, ainsi qu'une approche analytique et logique nécessaire pour relever les défis mathématiques. 💬 Prêt à explorer le monde des mathématiques ? 💬 Rejoignez-moi pour des séances dynamiques et stimulantes. Ensemble, nous allons faire en sorte que les maths ne soient plus un mystère, mais une aventure passionnante à apprivoiser ! --- Bien sûr, voici une proposition de description pour votre profil de tutorat en ligne en mathématiques : --- 🌟 Bienvenue à tous les passionnés de mathématiques ! Je suis Ronald, votre guide dévoué pour explorer le monde fascinant des chiffres et des équations. 🌟 💡 Qui suis-je ? 💡 Enthousiaste, patient et passionné par les mathématiques, je m'engage à offrir un soutien pédagogique personnalisé pour vous aider à développer votre compréhension et votre confiance en mathématiques. Ma mission est de faire de l'apprentissage des mathématiques un voyage captivant et enrichissant. 📚 Ce que je propose ? 📚 À travers des séances adaptées à vos besoins, je vous offre un accompagnement sur mesure dans des domaines tels que l'algèbre, la géométrie, les fonctions, les probabilités, et bien plus encore. Que ce soit pour renforcer vos bases, résoudre des problèmes complexes, ou vous préparer pour des examens, je suis là pour vous aider à maîtriser les mathématiques avec aisance. 🚀 Comment je travaille ? 🚀 En utilisant des exemples concrets, des techniques interactives et des exercices ciblés, je vise à rendre les mathématiques accessibles, intéressantes et amusantes. Mon objectif est de vous aider à développer des compétences solides, ainsi qu'une approche analytique et logique nécessaire pour relever les défis mathématiques. 💬 Prêt à explorer le monde des mathématiques ? 💬 Rejoignez-moi pour des séances dynamiques et stimulantes. Ensemble, nous allons faire en sorte que les maths ne soient plus un mystère, mais une aventure passionnante à apprivoiser ! ---