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Lezioni private di Arabo online

23 €/h
Prova free di 20 min.






Nuovo Insegnante

Insegna: Arabo

Parla: Spagnolo, Arabo

Hola, mi amor por el idioma español me ha llevado a pasar más de 14 maravillosos años en la bella España. Mi enfoque de enseñanza no es solo académico; también te sumerjo en la rica mosaico cultural y lingüística que solo un hablante nativo como yo podría brindarte. Ya seas un principiante buscando dar tus primeros pasos en español o alguien que busca alcanzar un nivel avanzado de fluidez, me adapto a tus necesidades específicas y aspiraciones. Además de la gramática y el vocabulario, te introduciré a los matices culturales y las expresiones locales que te permitirán comunicarte como un verdadero nativo. ¡Te invito a unirte a mí en esta emocionante travesía para descubrir las profundidades del español, en un ambiente de aprendizaje que es tanto efectivo como divertido!

8 €/h
Prova free di 20 min.


Stati Uniti

Nuovo Insegnante

Insegna: Arabo

Parla: Spagnolo, Inglese, Arabo

Hola Bienvenidos a mi perfil, mi nombre es Eli, soy de República Dominicana y actualmente vivo en Estados Unidos. Estudiar idiomas es mi pasión,si dejo de estudiar idiomas durante el día me siento como si no tome agua durante el día 😅. Disfruto mucho enseñar español y por esa razón me convertí en tutora de español. Me gusta conversar de diferentes temas porque puedo aprender y aportar cosas nuevas. Mi meta es ayudar a personas extranjeras hablar español como un nativo, otra meta que tengo es ser políglota. Empecemos este viaje juntos!.

5 €/h
Prova free di 20 min.






28 lezioni

Insegna: Arabo

Parla: Arabo, Inglese, Francese

I can speak three languages,and I completely know the difficulties people face with languages,I assure you that you will not be bored ,because I know that it's the biggest struggle we face through learning languages,I am ready to make it both easier ,funnier and less boring ,with me ,you will get to love learning because I will not only teach you languages but also to learn how to learn them!I am a student too and I've been through what you are going through,that is why I understand you ,and I'll give all that I have learned!

6 €/h
Prova free di 20 min.
Khaled J.

Khaled J.


Nuovo Insegnante

Insegna: Arabo

Parla: Arabo, Inglese

Marhaba, Welcome to my profile, My name is Khaled, I'm a native Arabic speaker from Syria, Currently living in Lebanon. I am founder and CEO of Petrichor Arabic Institute for Arabic and Islamic studies. I have been teaching Arabic as a second language for 12 years, I teach (Modern standard, Classical Arabic, Syrian - Lebanese - Palestinian - Iraqi) My style of teaching depends on conversations after explaining the rule in a simplified way. I'm Fluent in English which helps to make communication with my students much easier and fun process. I teach all ages specially children ( I have experience dealing with children). I found my true passion in teaching Arabic, my native language, to other people and using my knowledge in both English and Arabic as a bridge between different nations and cultures. I am an expert in Arabic and Islamic studies for non-natives. Unlock the beauty of the Arabic language with me, Khaled, your passionate tutor. Through simplified explanations and engaging conversations, I'll make learning Arabic a fun and easy process. Let's build bridges between cultures and nations together. Join me on this exciting language journey.

12 €/h
Prova free di 20 min.



Nuovo Insegnante

Insegna: Arabo

Parla: Arabo, Inglese

Assalamu àlikum, peace be upon you.. I'm GHADA Salah Ahmed. I'm Arabic teacher for non_native speakers. I graduated from faculty of literature, Department Arabic language and literature, Cairo University. I got the language skills course at the Science House College, Cairo University. I received the General Education Diploma at the Faculty of Education of the University of Alfayum. ‏ I got some courses in Islamic law at Zadi. I got an Arabic language course for non-speakers at the Russian Cultural Centre on website Rawaq. l also obtained a Certificate of Training in IElTs at the British On Site Institut from Lily future learn. Now I'm studying On-Line Scholarship at EVS. ‏ I worked for one year in teaching Arabic language to native speakers. I worked for a year and fifth months in teaching Arabic language to non_native speakers. I like to read and write. I wish I could teach you Arabic.

5 €/h
Prova free di 20 min.



Nuovo Insegnante

Insegna: Arabo

Parla: Inglese, Arabo

"Passionate Arabic tutor dedicated to cultivating a love for the language among students. With a deep understanding of both Modern Standard Arabic and regional dialects, I offer personalized lessons that cater to individual learning styles. My engaging approach combines cultural insights, conversational practice, and tailored exercises to ensure a comprehensive language learning experience. Whether you're a beginner or seeking to refine your skills, join me on a journey to master Arabic language and culture in a supportive and encouraging environment. Let's unlock the beauty of Arabic together!"

5 €/h
Prova free di 20 min.
Aboubakeur K.

Aboubakeur K.


Nuovo Insegnante

Insegna: Arabo

Parla: Arabo, Inglese

🇩🇿 welcome everyone....... , my name is Aboubakeur l am 28 years old , Iam from 🇩🇿 ALGERIA 🇩🇿 and I am a native 🔊 Arabic 🔊 speaker.. yes I am a native arabic speaker 🔊 and I am interested in teaching arabic to non arabic speakers,... for example ( Alif =أ ، Ba=ب ،Ta=ت....... ). 🌟 🌟Me as a teacher 🌟 🌟 As your futur arabic teacher i will do all my best so you benefit as much as possible of your cours, together we will work on all languge skills: 👂 👂 listening 👂 👂 * * 📝 📝 writing 📝 📝 📖 📖 reading 📖 📖 * * 🔊 🔊 speaking 🔊 🔊 🌟 My lessons and teaching style 🌟 ● The Grammar ●The Writing ● The Pronunciations ●Oral Expression And more.......I will however focus on speaking because it is fundamental skill and the main purpose of a foreign languge learning. 🌟My teaching material 🌟 ○ PDF file ○ Homework 🏡 ○ Audio 🔉 files ○ Text 📄 Documents ○ Image files ○Video files 📹 I will screen share with you all media : PDF, VIDEOS........ that will help you to improve. my arabic course will be more than just about the arabic languge , we will also explore many aspects of the modern word through arabic, we will talk about economics, business, history , geography and much more , so you can improve your vocubulary. Thank you .... .

15 €/h
Prova free di 20 min.



Nuovo Insegnante

Insegna: Arabo

Parla: Arabo, Inglese, Turco

I am an English language instructor with a strong background in education. I hold a Bachelor's degree in Education and I am TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages) certified. As a Fulbright scholar, I have had the opportunity to teach Arabic as a foreign language, which has been a rewarding experience. In 2012, I began my journey as an educator, and since then, I have been dedicated to helping students learn and improve their language skills. I believe in a student-centered approach to teaching, where the needs and goals of my students are at the forefront. By creating a supportive and engaging learning environment, I strive to empower my students to reach their full potential. One teaching technique that I find particularly effective is gamification. By incorporating game elements and principles into my lessons, I aim to make the learning process more enjoyable and interactive. Gamification allows students to actively participate, collaborate, and develop their language skills in a fun and engaging manner. In addition to my teaching experience, I was honored to be a Fulbright scholar. This prestigious opportunity allowed me to further enhance my knowledge and teaching skills, as well as broaden my cultural understanding. It was a transformative experience that has greatly influenced my approach to education. Overall, I am passionate about teaching English as a second language and helping students overcome language barriers. I am dedicated to creating a positive and inclusive learning environment where students can thrive and achieve their language learning goals.

6 €/h
Prova free di 20 min.



Nuovo Insegnante

Insegna: Arabo

Parla: Arabo, Inglese

Hello! My name is Ayyoub, I am from Algeria, I am a native Arabic speaker, currently I teach at University. Teaching is not just a job for me, it is a great message that i can deliver perfectly. The most thing I enjoy in my life is to help others and support them to move forward towards their goals. Accordingly, teaching is the best way to be happy. I always believe that nothing is impossible in this life. We can easily acquire any foreign language as long as we focus on our goals and work hard with strong will according to clear and well-prepared plans. Keep in mind that professionals were just beginners someday but they really worked hard on themselves.

15 €/h
Prova free di 20 min.



Nuovo Insegnante

Insegna: Arabo

Parla: Arabo, Inglese, Francese, Tedesco, Spagnolo

Hola a todos: Soy traductora nativa de árabe. Me he graduado en Traducción e Interpretación por la Universidad de Granada con una nota media de 8,97/10. En la facultad estudiaba la combinación lingüística (español, árabe e inglés). Tengo experiencia de más de 8 años dando clases particulares de árabe. Además, he sido tutora de árabe y de español en el programa Arqus Café de la alianza universitaria europea Arqus y gané dos premios literarios en el relato corto escrito en árabe. Siempre intento que la clase sea amena y divertida y suelo dividir la clase en varias partes: comprensión, lectura, escucha y conversación; para que así el estudiante desarrolle sus cuatro habilidades y vaya perdiendo el miedo. No utilizo un único libro, sino que tengo varios libros. Cada uno va dedicado a un tipo de estudiantes. Así que para empezar tendré que saber por qué el alumno quiere aprender árabe o español y cuáles son sus objetivos. Para cualquier duda, no duden en contactarme ;) Un saludo cordial

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