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Lezioni private di Arabo online

5 €/h
Prova free di 20 min.



Nuovo Insegnante

Insegna: Arabo

Parla: Arabo, Inglese

I am an Arabic language teacher with several years of experience in teaching Arabic to non-native speakers. I hold a Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science, which allows me to use modern and effective techniques for online education. Additionally, I have obtained a specialized training certificate in teaching Arabic as a second language, which has given me in-depth knowledge in adapting curricula to meet the needs of students from diverse backgrounds. In my teaching, I adopt a student-centered approach, placing individual student needs at the forefront and using interactive methods that blend grammar with everyday conversation. I believe that learning should be enjoyable, so I use a variety of interactive activities such as educational games, practical exercises, and group discussions. I have worked with students at various levels, from beginners with limited knowledge of Arabic to advanced learners seeking to enhance their language skills. I excel at simplifying complex language concepts and making them accessible, which has proven effective in boosting students' confidence and their ability to speak and write in Arabic. I tailor lessons according to each student's goals, whether they wish to learn Arabic for academic, professional, or daily communication purposes. I always strive to provide high-quality education that combines seriousness with enjoyment, aiming to empower students to use Arabic confidently and effectively.

5 €/h
Prova free di 20 min.



Nuovo Insegnante

Insegna: Arabo

Parla: Spagnolo, Inglese, Arabo

Hello! I'm Karem Abdel Baki, a university student majoring in energy engineering. I have a strong passion for teaching and helping students enhance their skills. Additionally, I believe that learning languages is a valuable skill, so I'm excited to offer you the opportunity to explore interesting language that you might find enjoyable to learn. Remember, knowledge is a key that opens many doors, and I'm here to help you unlock your potential. Let's embark on this exciting learning journey together!

5 €/h
Prova free di 20 min.
Abdo E.

Abdo E.


Nuovo Insegnante

Insegna: Arabo

Parla: Arabo, Inglese, Tedesco

.سلام عليكم ، مرحبا اسمي عبد الرحمن وانا من مصر درست اللغة العربية والأدب العربي في جامعة الأزهر .(MODLI) في اللغة الانجليزية من معهد القوات المسلحة للغات في مصر c1 و شهادة اتمام المستوى اللغوي .أنا متخصص في التحسين من اللغة والقرآن الكريم .أقوم بتدريس اللغة العربية لأني أحبها و بسبب أهميتها حول العالم والتعرف على ثقافات الدول العربية المختلفة قبل درسنا الاول ان شاء اللة ساقوم بتحديد مستواك و معرفة احتياجاتك و تجهيز درس اول و خطة تعليمية مخصصة لك .يشرفني أن أبدأ معًا رحلة تعلم اللغة وآفاقها الجميلة امل ان اراك قريبا

5 €/h
Prova free di 20 min.



5 lezioni

Insegna: Arabo

Parla: Francese, Arabo

Bienvenue dans mes cours de français en ligne! En tant que professeur, je m'engage à offrir une expérience éducative unique. Ma méthodologie repose sur la patience, des explications simples, une motivation constante, et un enseignement empreint de miséricorde, douceur et sagesse. Les leçons sont animées, interactives, transformant l'apprentissage en un jeu plaisant plutôt qu'une séance ennuyeuse. Les élèves participent activement, trouvent des solutions à leurs erreurs, et surtout, passent un moment agréable tout en développant leurs compétences en français. Rejoignez-nous pour une aventure éducative mémorable ! 🚀📚

6 €/h
Prova free di 20 min.



Nuovo Insegnante

Insegna: Arabo

Parla: Arabo, Inglese

Whatever you want to know about Quran or Arabic: it will be easy and satisfying with me, let's discover their magic together Hello everybody, my name is Nahla. My passion in life is knowledge and delivering it through teaching. I am a native Arabic speaker (Egyptian dialectic) and a memorizer of The Holy Quran with Tajweed, I also speak English very well. I have 3 years experience of teaching Quran and Arabic. We choose together among different material and methods, it depends mainly on your needs and level. I teach adults and children. Improving your level either advanced or beginner is my task. Over the 3 years of teaching, I make my students love Quran and Arabic, they get improved so fast and more eager to learn. Reading books and novels, listening to songs, watching shows, regular speaking and writing essays all these activities are included in the lessons of learning Arabic. Quran is explained from most famous and trusted sources as Ibn Kathir and Al Tabry. Tajweed is taught and practiced according to the well-known rules. Hope to reach your target and have fun learning with me, waiting to hear from you.

6 €/h
Prova free di 20 min.
Abdul M.

Abdul M.


Nuovo Insegnante

Insegna: Arabo

Parla: Inglese, Arabo

As-Salamu Alaykum. أهلا وسهلا و مرحبا بكم في كل من يزور ملفي الشخصي I hope this message finds you in excellent health! My name is Abdul Majid, and I am a 30-year-old online Quran and Arabic language tutor from Pakistan. I hold a Master’s degree in Arabic Language and a Master’s in Islamic Studies, both from Punjab University, Lahore, Pakistan. I also completed my Islamic education at Jamia Al-Hasanain, a reputable Islamic institute under the supervision of revered Molana Tariq Jamil. With several years of teaching the Holy Quran and Arabic language under my belt, I take immense pride in using my knowledge and skills to help my students learn and achieve their goals.

5 €/h
Prova free di 20 min.



Nuovo Insegnante

Insegna: Arabo

Parla: Arabo, Inglese

I can help you advance your language quickly using techniques that always work!! we'll discuss movies and engage in day to day conversations, my class is aimed at Arabic language speakers who would love to learn English quickly and vice versa my timing is flexible and I'm willing to invest a great deal of effort as long as you're cooperative. I'm also a final year medical student and can teach medical vocabulary. I'm friendly and easily approachable open to questions and conversations even outside class hours.

5 €/h
Prova free di 20 min.



Nuovo Insegnante

Insegna: Arabo

Parla: Arabo, Inglese, Francese

My name is Zakaria, I am 26 years old, graduated from the University of Algeria, majoring in microbiology. I speak three languages. My mother tongue is Arabic, in addition to French and English. I have experience and a wonderful method in teaching the Arabic language. I am familiar with the vocabulary and grammar of Arabic. The Arabic language in a short time, and I am pleased to meet you all A fun and patient person. I have a distinctive way of teaching the language. I am open to all topics. I can teach you the language in a fun and distinctive way in a short time. I will be waiting for you to experience and acquire a new language.

12 €/h
Prova free di 20 min.



Nuovo Insegnante

Insegna: Arabo

Parla: Arabo, Tedesco, Inglese

Ciao buon pomeriggio :) Mi chiamo Ahmed, ho ventisei anni. Vengo dall'Egitto, da Alessandria. I miei hobby sono leggere libri e giocare ai videogi...

6 €/h
Prova free di 20 min.



Nuovo Insegnante

Insegna: Arabo

Parla: Spagnolo, Inglese, Arabo

Hola, soy Ali. profesor de ingles. tengo experiencia en la ensenanza del Arabe a estudiantes extranjeros al idioma. Me gusta organizar las clases de Arabe online según los objetivos de aprendizaje de cada alumno. ¡Estaré encantado de ser tu profesor de arabic online, para ayudarte a conseguir todo aquello que te propongas en cuanto a tu nivel de inglés! Recuerda que la constancia y la percerancia es la clave al exito. no dudes en contactarme. saludos. no te preocupes ni sobresatures tus pensamientos. todo va a estar bien.

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