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Online technology tutors



$11 /lesson

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Obed J.

Obed J.
Verified teacher, moderated by the Classgap team

New Tutor

Computer Software, Computer Programming

Hola, soy Obed Garcia, Ingeniero en Sistemas con mas de 5 años de experiencia en la automatizacion de procesos mediante el uso de herramientas informaticas tales como Access/Excel VBA Avanzado, poseo amplio conocimiento en el analisis y visualizacion de datos utilizando herramientas de BI como Power BI y Tableau, asi que sera todo un honor poder compartir con ustedes mis conocimientos adquiridos. Me he desempeñado profesionalmente como analista de sistemas por 2 años, luego durante 3 años me desempeñe como Supervisor de Produccion y ahora tengo ya 2 años como Ingeniero de Proyectos y mejora Continua, tambien tengo buen conocimientos en desarrollo web.


Verified teacher, moderated by the Classgap team

New Tutor

Computer Programming, Computer Science

Expert Software Engineer Offering Top-Quality Classes with real world examples ⏤ Myself Santhosh. I'm a Software Engineer at Arcesium (D.E. Shaw Group) with knowledge in Programming and Testing. I completed M.Sc IT (Integrated 5 Ye...



$11 /lesson

Verified teacher, moderated by the Classgap team

525 lessons

Computer Programming, Computer Science

Master in Computer Sciences with 2 years of expertise. ⏤ Hello! My name is Diana López and I am a Master in Computational Sciences. I am a passionate person about technology that seeks to share its knowledge...

$11 /lesson

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Verified teacher, moderated by the Classgap team

New Tutor

Computer Science, Biology

Soy Everardo Gutiérrez, soy ingeniero en informática. Cursé una maestría en ciencias en biotecnología y actualmente estoy estudiando un doctorado en ciencias en enfermedades infecciosas en el Instituto Nacional de Salud Pública. Llevo cerca de 6 años trabajando en este instituto y he aprendido mucho acerca de como la informática se relaciona con la biología. Puedo compartir mi experiencia en el manejo de datos desde Linux, en R y java. Tengo conocimiento en el área biológica como la genómica, transcriptómica y proteómica, y como se puede adentrar en estos temas desde la bioinformática. Es un área de gran oportunidad laboral en la que con mi experiencia puedo apoyarte. Las clases se basan en sentar bases teóricas y mucha práctica. Ejercicios en clase y reforzar lo aprendido en tus tiempos libres con ejercicios sencillos. Lo importante del mundo de la programación es practicarlo constantemente.

$27 /lesson

Verified teacher, moderated by the Classgap team

New Tutor

Web Design, Graphic design

Hi, my name is Francesco Mussoni, I've been working as graphic designer for over 30 years, from printing at the beginning and then I followed and beca...



$8 /lesson

Verified teacher, moderated by the Classgap team

New Tutor

Maths, Computer Programming

I teach mathematics and computerrelated subjects to kids and university students. My teaching methodologies are suitable for auditory as well as visua...



$20 /lesson

Free trial available


Verified teacher, moderated by the Classgap team

17 lessons

Computer Programming, Computer Science

Sono uno sviluppatore software da 7 anni mi occupo sia dello sviluppo sua della progettazione ecco le principali tecnologie che conosco: Tecnologie principali usate: • Back end: o c# -in ambienti framework e core 3.0 o sql o SQLite o SQL Server Management 2016 o Librerie Engfier-> thread task scheduler • Front end: o Angular 9 o React o Javascript o JQuery o Librerie : kendo Altri programmi Usati: Fidler-> gestione del traffico di rete locale, creare mock test su chiamate. • Soap Ui ->Utilizzato per la gestione e creazione di mock automatici grazie al linguaggio AXIS • Puty ->connessione server Linux • Winscp->Connessioni FTP • PostMan-> simulare chiamate REST Mi piace seguire i miei studenti anche con materiale supplementare alla lezione stessa, sempre con la massima serietà e professionalità. A seconda dell'esigenza potremo concentrare la lezione sulla parte teorica o sulla parte pratica, sempre seguendo le linee guida date dall'insegnante. Le mie lezioni si rivolgono a studenti di tutti i livelli, dallo studente delle superiori allo studente universitario.

$12 /lesson

Verified teacher, moderated by the Classgap team

New Tutor

Computer Programming

Web App Developer Tutor: Enhancing Your Skills in Python Programming. ⏤ My name is Anthony Ndirangu, but you can call me Tony, I am a python developer with four Years of experience both work and teaching, and I would like ...


Verified teacher, moderated by the Classgap team

New Tutor

Maths, Electronics

Hello, I am Ashwini Dalvi. I have teaching experience of 2 years. I love maths. ⏤ Hi, I'm Ashwini Dalvi. I have a degree in electronic engineering from the University of Pune. I have worked in several tutor platforms like Chegg, ba...



$17 /lesson

Free trial available


Verified teacher, moderated by the Classgap team

10 lessons

Graphic design, UX/UI Design

Hello! Nice to meet you 😊. I've been practicing as an Architect for 2 years now although I've been participating in a Training Academy for architects...

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