Language Tests
Would you like to know what your language level is?
Find out what your language level is with our online tests
In Classgap you will find language tests to evaluate your level of Spanish , your confidence with French, test your German, discover how much you know about Italian, demonstrate your English, Portuguese or even dare with Russian.
All language tests consist of two parts: speaking and writing. The written test has about 20 multi-choice questions of varying difficulty.
The speaking part evaluates comprehension and oral expression. For this part of the test you can use any microphone at your disposal, including your mobile phone. In case you are in a place where it is not possible to do the speaking test, you can skip it and do only the written part. Why not starting now? It won't take you more than 10 minutes to know your level .
Choose your language test
Test your English level
English test
Test your German level
German test
Test your Spanish level
Spanish test
Test your Italian level
Italian test
Test your Portuguese level
Portuguese test
Test your Russian level
Russian test
The test can be done from anywhere as long as you have Internet access. You can do it comfortably where and when you want. We recommend that you read the questions and answers carefully. There is no time limit so you are not answering against the clock.
This is a free language test which, once completed, shows the result achieved according to the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR): from the most elementary level such as A1 to the highest level such as C2. Although it is an approximate result, it can help you discover what kind of language learning or private tutoring you need to continue improving your language skills.
Remember that in Classgap you can also improve at any time the level of any language with
online teachers
of: English, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Chinese, Japanese, Russian, Polish...