I am a geochemist with a PhD from the Polytechnic University of Madrid. I have more than 14 years of teaching experience in universities with students...
Nere izena Aitor da ta 10 urte baina gehiagoz eman egin ditut zientzietako klase partikularrak, bai ikasleen etxeetan eta baita ere akademietan. Berez ni kimikoa, eta lana bukatu ondoren eman oi ditut klasek. Gustatu egiten zait klaseak ematea eta ikasleei irakasgaiak gainditzen laguntzea, gehiengoetan pixkatekin nahikoa dutelako.
Mi nombre es Aitor y llevo más de 10 años dando clases particulares, tanto a domicilio como en academias. Soy químico, y normalmente suelo dar las clases por las tardes después del trabajo. Me gusta dar clases y ayudar a los alumnos a aprobar las asignaturas, y muchas veces con un poco de ayuda tienen suficiente.
Hi, my name is Marco and I'm 27 years old. I graduated with honors in Molecular and Applied Biology from the Polytechnic University of Marche
I am ver...
I am from Capital Federal and have been giving private tutoring for a while, primarily in mathematics, chemistry, and physics. I have worked in severa...
I would mind to have a collaborative class where each student is allow to participate.
I love gender based equalizer to all students
I allow a class...
As a seasoned mathematics educator, I bring a wealth of knowledge and expertise to the table. With a proven track record of helping students not only ...
¡Hello! My name is Alix Ramírez, chemical engineer with food technologies ans cosmetical chemistry specialities by Universidad Autónoma de Puebla, fur...
I am Dr. Gibran Romero Mujalli, a geochemist with an interdisciplinary background and a solid foundation in chemistry and mathematics. My goal is to t...
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