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Online Classic Greek tutors

£17 /lesson

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Beatriz P.

Beatriz P.
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Classic Greek

Hello! I am Beatriz Pañeda Murcia, PhD in Humanities from the University Carlos III of Madrid and PhD in Religions and Thought Systems from the École ...

£12 /lesson

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Classic Greek

Hello! I'm Vasia from Greece! I love learning languages because i thing that this is the key to broade your horizons. I have two years experience on ...

£22 /lesson

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Verified teacher, moderated by the Classgap team

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Classic Greek

I am currently a PhD student in Ancient History and a teacher in public schools. I have a bachelor's degree in Classical Literature and two master's d...

£13 /lesson
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Verified teacher, moderated by the Classgap team

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Classic Greek

Offro lezioni individuali atte a migliorare il profitto scolastico dei ragazzi fornendo un metodo di studio ben preciso, personalizzato ed efficace. Lavoro da circa 30 anni sull'autostima dei miei allievi con risultati eccellenti. Le mie lezioni (aiuto compiti, doposcuola, ripetizioni, lezioni private) sono rivolte agli studenti delle scuole elementari, medie e superiori. Ho conseguito la laurea in lettere classiche e quella in lingue e letterature straniere moderne (indirizzo europeo). La mia esperienza include l'aiuto nella redazione di: tesine per la scuola media, tesina per l'esame di terza media, tesine per le scuole superiori, l'elaborato per l'esame di maturità nonché le tesi di laurea in materie umanistiche e linguistiche, riguardanti le lingue e le letterature classiche e quelle moderne, inclusa la letteratura anglo-americana. Ogni singola disciplina, inoltre, viene da me approfondita in tutti i suoi particolari: tutti i miei alunni, infatti, sono sempre rimasti molto soddisfatti delle mie lezioni, sia perché i loro voti sono nettamente migliorati sia perché in me hanno trovato un valido supporto didattico e psicologico che li ha resi sicuri di sé, indipendenti e vincenti, nello studio e nella vita. Che dire di più? Affidatevi a me e non ve ne pentirete! Provare per credere!



£9 /lesson
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Verified teacher, moderated by the Classgap team

6 lessons

Classic Greek

Hi there, pleasure to meet you: I'm Alessandro! I graduated from the University of Bologna in Philosophy, where I got my bachelor degree. Nonetheless,...



£13 /lesson

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Verified teacher, moderated by the Classgap team

18 lessons

Classic Greek

I'm Giulia, I'm 30 years old and in 2019 I graduated with honors (MA degree) in Philosophy. Then I dedicated myself to a postgraduate course in Mediev...

£16 /lesson

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Verified teacher, moderated by the Classgap team

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Classic Greek

Presentazione di Giulia: Un Viaggio di Apprendimento e Passione* Ciao a tutti! Sono Giulia, ho 32 anni e sono all'ultimo anno del mio percorso in Scienze della Formazione Primaria. Sono qui per condividere con voi non solo la mia formazione accademica, ma anche la mia passione incrollabile per l'insegnamento e il potere trasformativo dell'apprendimento. La mia empatia è il motore che alimenta il mio approccio educativo; credo fermamente che insegnare non sia solo un atto di trasmettere conoscenze, ma una straordinaria opportunità per continuare ad imparare ogni giorno e aiutare gli altri a costruirsi un futuro luminoso. Ogni studente è un universo da esplorare e io sono determinata a renderli protagonisti del proprio viaggio. Musica e insegnamento si intrecciano nella mia vita: come cantante, ho scoperto che la musicalità della voce può catturare l’attenzione dei miei studenti in modo unico. Le melodie delle parole possono rendere l'apprendimento più coinvolgente e memorabile. Credo fortemente nel costruire relazioni basate su fiducia e rispetto. Ogni interazione è un mattoncino che contribuisce alla creazione di un ambiente positivo dove ognuno si sente valorizzato. Ma non sono soltanto una futura insegnante; sono anche una powerlifter! La forza, la resilienza e la disciplina fanno parte del mio vocabolario quotidiano. Questi valori mi guidano in tutto ciò che faccio, sia nella sala pesi sia in classe, dove incoraggio i miei studenti a superarsi sempre. Infine, credo nell'importanza della motivazione intrinseca nello studio: come suggerisce "studére", derivante dal latino "amare appassionatamente", voglio instillare nei miei studenti questa passione per l’apprendimento. Perché chiunque può studiare se riesce ad abbracciare questo amore! In sintesi, io sono Giulia - un’insegnante in divenire, una musicista appassionata ed una atleta determinata – pronta a ispirare le menti giovani verso nuove scoperte!

£11 /lesson
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Verified teacher, moderated by the Classgap team

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Classic Greek

Hello everyone! 🌼 My name is Ermioni and I am a dedicated social worker with a specialization in early childhood education. I have extensive experien...



£21 /lesson

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Verified teacher, moderated by the Classgap team

25 lessons

Classic Greek

My name is Diomedes, I'm from Uruguay and I live in Madrid. I have studied Linguistics and Greek Classic Studies (degree in Montevideo, master and PhD...

£19 /lesson
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Verified teacher, moderated by the Classgap team

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Classic Greek

Hello! My name is Eleni and I am a tutor of modern Greek and clasic languages (ancient greek and latin). I hold both a bachelor's and a master's degre...

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Frequently asked questions about Greek lessons online

💻 What do I need to take Ancient Greek lessons online?

For online Ancient Greek lessons, you will need a desktop PC, laptop or notebook with a good internet connection. In addition, you will need a webcam (HD if possible) and a good quality microphone, or a headset with a microphone. If you use a laptop PC, this will probably have a webcam and microphone built in, you just need to make sure they work and that they are of good quality. An HD webcam will allow the teacher to see your image more clearly on the screen, while a good microphone allows you to be heard clearly. If, on the other hand, you use a desktop PC and do not have these peripherals, you will have to buy them separately. Don't worry, they can be found at a very cheap price.

🤔 How do online Ancient Greek lessons work?

Online Ancient Greek lessons, like those of other subjects, take place via a video call between you and the teacher. You don't have to use any software for video calls, as Classgap has a virtual classroom that you and your teacher can use for online lessons. The virtual classroom is very convenient, as it has several functions such as the possibility to share notes, the screen of your PC and much more. All you have to do is check that your webcam and microphone are working properly. Once you have booked your lesson, remember to connect to the virtual classroom at the scheduled time so that you can start your video call with your online teacher .

💰 How much do online Greek lessons cost?

The hourly cost for an online Ancient Greek lesson can vary depending on the level and experience of the teacher. Usually, lessons range in price from €10 to €20, so we are talking about quite affordable rates. We suggest that you compare the rate with the teachers' profiles and of course also choose according to your needs. For example, many university literature and philosophy students give Greek tuition online at affordable rates, so you can consider this option if you want to save money. Of course, there are also high school teachers who give online classes on the side, but they may cost more.

🚀 How can I make the most of online Greek classes?

Although online Ancient Greek lessons are very effective, they are not enough to get good grades in Ancient Greek. Keep in mind that Ancient Greek is a complex subject that requires hours and hours of study and dedication. An online teacher will be able to clarify all your doubts, make you practice your translations and train your vocabulary, but of course you will also have to dedicate yourself to individual study. Thanks to online lessons, Ancient Greek will seem easier to learn. Remember also to take advantage of the additional material that the online teacher will provide you with, so you will have an extra help.

👨‍🏫 Are online Greek lessons convenient?

It depends on various factors, such as where you live. If you live in a big city, you can consider taking home tuition to study at home, but with an in-person teacher. Usually, there are several teachers in cities who are willing to give home lessons, whereas if you live in a small town or village, you may have difficulty finding them. Keep in mind that home teachers charge an additional fee to cover travel costs, so in general, lessons may be less cost-effective. In general, online lessons are more comfortable and convenient, because in addition to having lower fees, you can choose from teachers all over the world.

Online Ancient Greek Lessons

Where to find Ancient Greek lessons online?

Your impact with Ancient Greek was not the best. As soon as you started high school, you were confronted with a new, fascinating, but also complex subject. Since you are doing very well in your other subjects, you don't want to risk getting a failing grade in Ancient Greek and ruining your average. Therefore, you can consider taking Greek lessons online, a convenient and effective way to study from home. After reading about the benefits of online Greek tutoring, you've decided that it's just right for you! To start studying with an online teacher, all you have to do is register on Classgap, our web site dedicated to online tutoring. On Classgap you can find plenty of teachers willing to give Ancient Greek lessons online, both in your city and all over the world. View the profiles of the teachers who inspire you the most and contact the one who best suits your needs, by private message. You can also book your first lesson now, so you can start immediately. We wish you good luck and happy studying!

Why Ancient Greek is difficult

The difficulties of Ancient Greek do not only depend on its grammar and alphabet, but also on other factors. Let's see what the main ones are below. Teaching method: sometimes the teaching method of many teachers at school may not very inclusive and it’s perhaps too rigid. However, professors have to follow the program and keep up with several classes, so it is normal for them to establish their own teaching method in order to work. The fact is that ancient Greek is often taught almost as if it were a language to be learned, when in fact it is a method for understanding ancient texts. Low motivation: Ancient Greek is a 'dead language', so many students feel demotivated to study it. The new generations, influenced by the speed and convenience of the web, do not want to waste time studying a language that actually has no use in everyday life. Hence a lack of interest and motivation, accentuated by the difficulties of studying. However, one must consider that learning ancient Greek can be useful, as it helps with reasoning and provides a broad background on many Italian and other language terms. Lack of help: sometimes, in order to get good grades in a subject to which one feels poorly suited, one needs outside help. Individual study is important, but many students feel left to their own devices once the class lesson is over. As a result, they fail to study at home and close their books at the first obstacle.

Reasons to learn Greek online

You think that online Greek lessons are an interesting method, but you are still not convinced of their actual usefulness, especially in comparison to face-to-face classes. That's why we want to list the various advantages of online Greek lessons so that you can decide whether or not they are right for you. Versatility: one of the main advantages of online Greek lessons is that you can find teachers all over the world, without being limited to your own city. This allows you to choose from a wide range of online teachers, so you can take Ancient Greek lessons online with the one that best suits your needs. Convenience: with Ancient Greek lessons online you can study from home, with the help of a teacher trained and competent in the subject. This way you can organize your schedule and your study more easily, without taking time away from your other subjects. Online lessons are very useful if you live in a big city where it is difficult to move around, if you live in a country where there may not be many teachers and in many other situations. Alternative teaching method: Online teachers of Ancient Greek will focus 100% on achieving your goals, with an alternative teaching method that will be interesting and also fun. Online teachers are experts in giving lessons via video call, so they will be able to keep your attention and engage you more and more, creating an empathetic bond even through the PC screen. Additional material: Online teachers of Ancient Greek can provide you with additional material to deepen your study of the subject, through specific websites, textbooks and more. In this way, you can get that extra edge to get good grades in Ancient Greek and do your best in class exams.