Hi my name is Rayaan and one of the main reasons I tutor, is simply because I love it! I'm currently studying at Loughborough University and outside o...
Hey! I'm Tahmina, a passionate science tutor with 3+ years of experience. I make Chemistry & Physics easy, focusing on basics & adapting to your pace....
As a Chemistry teacher, the joy of dedication and commitment to whatever I am facing at each stage is the pivotal point that make me keep grazing; whi...
Hello! I’m a biochemistry tutor and a certified skincare specialist. I find it hard to complete anything less than perfect due to my OCD, turns out it...
My name is Amrita Nayak ,I want to be a popular teacher known by teaching very good ,and it would also encourage me if many of you book lessons with m...
Nere izena Aitor da ta 10 urte baina gehiagoz eman egin ditut zientzietako klase partikularrak, bai ikasleen etxeetan eta baita ere akademietan. Berez ni kimikoa, eta lana bukatu ondoren eman oi ditut klasek. Gustatu egiten zait klaseak ematea eta ikasleei irakasgaiak gainditzen laguntzea, gehiengoetan pixkatekin nahikoa dutelako.
Mi nombre es Aitor y llevo más de 10 años dando clases particulares, tanto a domicilio como en academias. Soy químico, y normalmente suelo dar las clases por las tardes después del trabajo. Me gusta dar clases y ayudar a los alumnos a aprobar las asignaturas, y muchas veces con un poco de ayuda tienen suficiente.
I am from Capital Federal and have been giving private tutoring for a while, primarily in mathematics, chemistry, and physics. I have worked in severa...
Hello! I am Phil Adeyeye, a Chemistry and Biology teacher. I have a degree in Biochemistry from the Lagos State University, Nigeria, and a Master's de...
I have just finished my A-Levels, being predicted 4A*s in Biology, Chemistry, Maths and Further Maths. I have also achieved 9s in GCSE Triple Science,...
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