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Aus Libanon"

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Hi 👋😌 I am Youssef Khaled Musa, I am 18 years old. I am an Arabic language teacher from Lebanon. Arabic is my native language, so I speak it fluently. I learned the Arabic language from grammar, text analysis, expression, and rhetoric Everyone I taught loved my teaching because it was fun, easy and amazing. I speak many languages ​​such as English and I can speak French but only a little. Do not think that Arabic is a difficult language and cannot be spoken. On the contrary, it...

Hi 👋😌 I am Youssef Khaled Musa, I am 18 years old. I am an Arabic language teacher from Lebanon. Arabic is my native language, so I speak it fluently. I learned the Arabic language from grammar, text analysis, expression, and rhetoric Everyone I taught loved my teaching because it was fun, easy and amazing. I speak many languages ​​such as English and I can speak French but only a little. Do not think that Arabic is a difficult language and cannot be spoken. On the contrary, it is a very easy and simple language, and you will see that in my lessons. Don't be shy to speak Arabic so register with me to learn and let the fun begin. Thanks 🙏

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  • Arabisch Anfänger/A1-2, Mittelstufe/B1-2

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