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Yang G.

Lehrerin aus China"

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Master Degree in Teaching Chinese to Speakers of Other Languages of Beijing Foreign Studies University. Bachelor Degree in German Language of Ecust. Work as a college teacher From 2016 to 2017,i took an internship in Meihe Mandarin House and taught more than 292 lessons. From 2017 to 2020, i worked in the School of International Education in charge of HSK lesson. I taught many students from different countries. Like adult from UK, Germany, Austria, Thailand, Russia and so on as well as kids of ...

Master Degree in Teaching Chinese to Speakers of Other Languages of Beijing Foreign Studies University. Bachelor Degree in German Language of Ecust. Work as a college teacher From 2016 to 2017,i took an internship in Meihe Mandarin House and taught more than 292 lessons. From 2017 to 2020, i worked in the School of International Education in charge of HSK lesson. I taught many students from different countries. Like adult from UK, Germany, Austria, Thailand, Russia and so on as well as kids of summer camp My Teaching Style is flexible customized and interactive I have following certificates: TCSOL,Mandarin Proficiency Ceritificate, Teacher Ceritificate of Higher Education

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  • Chinesisch Anfänger/A1-2, Mittelstufe/B1-2, Fortgeschritten/C1, Fortgeschritten/C2

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Ausbildung und Erfahrung German
Master/Postgraduiertenstudium Teaching Chinese To Speakers Of Other Languages

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