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Aus Südafrika"

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Hello there, I am Nathaniel .A. I have a degree in Mechanical Engineering 2009 from the Ambrose Alli University, Nigeria. I have lectured at the Edusa College of Engineering 2015 ( Engineering drawing, engineering science). Ekhluhuleni college of Engineering, Pretoria 2013 ( engineering drawing/science). Physics, chemistry, Maths at the kusada secondary school (2 years). I would like to organise some online classes to meet the needs of prospective sciences students from all demographics. Te...

Hello there, I am Nathaniel .A. I have a degree in Mechanical Engineering 2009 from the Ambrose Alli University, Nigeria. I have lectured at the Edusa College of Engineering 2015 ( Engineering drawing, engineering science). Ekhluhuleni college of Engineering, Pretoria 2013 ( engineering drawing/science). Physics, chemistry, Maths at the kusada secondary school (2 years). I would like to organise some online classes to meet the needs of prospective sciences students from all demographics. Teaching have to do with the 3Hs, the Head, Heart and Hand, we can achieve Alot with keen interest.

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  • Technisches Zeichnen Anfänger, Mittelstufe, Fortgeschritten
  • Mathe
    • Algebra
    • Statistiken
    • Mathematische Grundlagen
    • Numerische Analyse
    • Rechnen
    • Mathematische Logik

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