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Aus Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika" , derzeit wohnhaft in Guatemala

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Hello!! My Name is Will and I'm originally from the US. I have taught English for over 5 years and am so excited to accompany you on your English language journey, and help you as best as I can, along the way. One of the most gratifying feelings for me, is to see you progress and develop your confidence, as you polish your language skills. Whether its practicing our fluency, building vocabulary, improving our comprehension, or adjusting grammar, please know that I am here to help you. I love t...

Hello!! My Name is Will and I'm originally from the US. I have taught English for over 5 years and am so excited to accompany you on your English language journey, and help you as best as I can, along the way. One of the most gratifying feelings for me, is to see you progress and develop your confidence, as you polish your language skills. Whether its practicing our fluency, building vocabulary, improving our comprehension, or adjusting grammar, please know that I am here to help you. I love to read, listen to music, try new foods, sports and have over 15 years of experience with Coaching and Leadership Development. I am also a huge fan of meeting new people and learning from them. Cannot wait to meet you and get our journey started!!

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  • Englisch
    • Lokale Kultur
    • Englisch im Alltag
    • Business Englisch
    • Vokabeln
    • Konversation
    • Vorbereitung auf ein Vorstellungsgespräch

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Spanisch Umfassende Kompetenzen

Bildung und Abschlüsse

Zertifikat Toefl
Zertifikat Esl Teacher Trainer And Academic Coordinator
Zertifikat Leadership Development Manager And Trainer Am Lernen

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