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Aus Nigeria"

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Hello, I'm victor by name, studied mathematics in University of Nigeria. I have experience giving online classes to elementary, high school and University level students. I like to organize my classes according to the needs of each student and I will be happy to help students see the beauty of mathematics. Because I found out that the beauty of mathematics is not just about you know it, but as well about you knowing how to communicate the knowledge to your friends, this is what I'll be helping y...

Hello, I'm victor by name, studied mathematics in University of Nigeria. I have experience giving online classes to elementary, high school and University level students. I like to organize my classes according to the needs of each student and I will be happy to help students see the beauty of mathematics. Because I found out that the beauty of mathematics is not just about you know it, but as well about you knowing how to communicate the knowledge to your friends, this is what I'll be helping you achieve

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  • Mathe
    • Mathematische Grundlagen
    • Lineare Algebra
    • Numerische Analyse
    • Trigonometrie
    • Rechnen

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Bachelor-Abschluss Bachelor Degree

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