Talha N.

Aus Pakistan"

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As a passionate and dedicated educator, I am committed to delivering high-quality training sessions that are based on the book and tailored to meet the needs of the learners. Whether they are beginners or advanced students, my goal is to create a dynamic learning environment that maximizes their understanding and mastery of Math and Python programming. With a strong background in Math, and Python programming and experience in teaching, I possess the necessary skills to effectively convey the c...

As a passionate and dedicated educator, I am committed to delivering high-quality training sessions that are based on the book and tailored to meet the needs of the learners. Whether they are beginners or advanced students, my goal is to create a dynamic learning environment that maximizes their understanding and mastery of Math and Python programming. With a strong background in Math, and Python programming and experience in teaching, I possess the necessary skills to effectively convey the concepts and lessons from the book. I am well-versed in breaking down complex topics into digestible chunks, providing clear explanations, and offering practical examples and exercises to reinforce learning. My teaching style focuses on efficiency and effectiveness, ensuring that every minute of the training is utilized productively. I prioritize active engagement and interactive learning methods to maintain student interest and motivation throughout the sessions. By fostering a collaborative and supportive atmosphere, I encourage students to ask questions and actively participate in their learning journey.

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  • Mathe
    • Algebra
    • Statistiken
    • Mathematische Grundlagen
    • Lineare Algebra
    • Numerische Analyse
    • Lineare Programmierung
  • Programmierung
    • SQL
    • Python

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Bildung und Abschlüsse

Bachelor-Abschluss Bachelors In Physics
Zertifikat Machine Learning Specialization
Abschlusszeugnis Ibm Data Science Specialization

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