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Hi, I'm Sinan. I can speak 3 languages ​​actively and now I give private lessons in these 3 languages. In our first lesson, I first focus on your learning style and prepare a program for you. Then we proceed according to the needs. You will have some assignments during this learning process and I divide these assignments into active and passive assignments. Your passive assignments will be the same and you will do them each week. These assignments are essential for the four skills and will speed...

Hi, I'm Sinan. I can speak 3 languages ​​actively and now I give private lessons in these 3 languages. In our first lesson, I first focus on your learning style and prepare a program for you. Then we proceed according to the needs. You will have some assignments during this learning process and I divide these assignments into active and passive assignments. Your passive assignments will be the same and you will do them each week. These assignments are essential for the four skills and will speed up your learning process.

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  • Französisch
    • Business Französisch
    • Vokabeln
    • DELF Prüfungsvorbereitung
    • Konversation
    • Schreiben
    • Leseverstehen
  • Englisch
    • Grammatik
    • Englisch im Alltag
    • Business Englisch
    • Vokabeln
    • Leseverstehen
    • Schreiben

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FranzösischFachliche Kompetenz

Bildung und Abschlüsse

Ausbildung und Erfahrung Bachelor's Degree

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