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Lehrerin aus China"

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Hello, my name is Silvia. Holding a Teacher's Certificate, I am qualified to teach students at various levels and I believe the principle of "teaching students according to their aptitude". I have 3 years of school teaching experience and 2 years of one-on-one tutoring experience. During the school teaching period, I have helped many students with learning difficulties in our class to improve their scores from C to A level. They not only fell in love with learning, but also become confident. W...

Hello, my name is Silvia. Holding a Teacher's Certificate, I am qualified to teach students at various levels and I believe the principle of "teaching students according to their aptitude". I have 3 years of school teaching experience and 2 years of one-on-one tutoring experience. During the school teaching period, I have helped many students with learning difficulties in our class to improve their scores from C to A level. They not only fell in love with learning, but also become confident. When I was a tutor,I became close friends with my students and let them learn in joy. They said I was their favorite teacher. I am also a fast learner and love to learn new languages and knowledge. I like to meet new friends and help people. And I also have a passion for education. I can adjust my teaching approach to meet the unique learning style and interests of each student, so that they can master the use of Chinese in a happy and relaxed way.

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  • Chinesisch Fortgeschritten/C2

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EnglischFachliche Kompetenz

Bildung und Abschlüsse

Bachelor-Abschluss Bachelor Of Arts