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Lehrerin aus China"

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Hi~This is Seki🌸. I am a native Mandarin speaker and living in Chengdu China now. Now I am a freelance writer and a stand-up comdian🤩. In my free time, I enjoylearning foreign languages. I speak English Japanese and a little Thai . During my study,I have summarized some efficient methods and build my own learning system. I'd like to share my experience with you and to support your language learning💪 . I became a certified Mandarin teacher in 2024. It means I am a new teacher. But on the oth...

Hi~This is Seki🌸. I am a native Mandarin speaker and living in Chengdu China now. Now I am a freelance writer and a stand-up comdian🤩. In my free time, I enjoylearning foreign languages. I speak English Japanese and a little Thai . During my study,I have summarized some efficient methods and build my own learning system. I'd like to share my experience with you and to support your language learning💪 . I became a certified Mandarin teacher in 2024. It means I am a new teacher. But on the other hand we will grow together❤️. context. We can study with a textbook, or focus on the specific areas like reading, writing or listening, or talk about any topic that you are interested in also. Hopefully I will be not only your teacher,but also your friend. If you are interested in,plz book a trial session🌟. Looking forward to see you in my class!

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  • Chinesisch Anfänger/A1-2, Mittelstufe/B1-2, Fortgeschritten/C1, Fortgeschritten/C2

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Master/Postgraduiertenstudium Master Of Journalism And Communication

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