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Lehrerin aus Äthiopien" , derzeit wohnhaft in Italien

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Hello! My name is Saron Cramer. I am 20 years old and speak 3 languages fluently and currently learning my fourth. I studied english my whole life and took English Cambrige A level exams and I am currently at C2 level. I would love to teach students online, focusing on conversational classes to help improve students communication skills. Allow me to help you reach your desired level in the english language. I have always wanted to teach languages as I find language learning fascinating and exhil...

Hello! My name is Saron Cramer. I am 20 years old and speak 3 languages fluently and currently learning my fourth. I studied english my whole life and took English Cambrige A level exams and I am currently at C2 level. I would love to teach students online, focusing on conversational classes to help improve students communication skills. Allow me to help you reach your desired level in the english language. I have always wanted to teach languages as I find language learning fascinating and exhilarating.

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  • Englisch
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Bildung und Abschlüsse

Abschlusszeugnis Diploma
Abschlusszeugnis Degree Am Lernen