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Lehrerin aus Pakistan"

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I love Teaching passionate students. Who are really serious to learn. Just let me know about the subjects you want to learn. I'll teach you doesn't matter you are a beginner or intermediate. I can help you at every stage of your learning. I completed my 7 years Islamic and Arabic study and will be certified in a couple of months. I can fluently teach Arabic and all other Islamic subjects. I also have 2 year teaching experience under my teachers supervision. If you really want to learn i'm ready ...

I love Teaching passionate students. Who are really serious to learn. Just let me know about the subjects you want to learn. I'll teach you doesn't matter you are a beginner or intermediate. I can help you at every stage of your learning. I completed my 7 years Islamic and Arabic study and will be certified in a couple of months. I can fluently teach Arabic and all other Islamic subjects. I also have 2 year teaching experience under my teachers supervision. If you really want to learn i'm ready to teach you. Dosen't matter whatever the fee you can pay.

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  • Arabisch Anfänger/A1-2, Mittelstufe/B1-2

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Bildung und Abschlüsse

Ausbildung und Erfahrung Alia By Wifaq Ul Madaris