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Hello everyone, my name is Salem, I am from Egypt and I currently live in Europe, I am a graduate of the Faculty of Law in Alexandria in Egypt, my mother tongue is Arabic and I love teaching it and explaining its details because I believe that it is a really interesting language I love the Arabic language and I love teaching it very much, as it is a language that is currently needed in various fields and is very exciting and fun to learn and since I did my university studies as a lawyer , I am ...

Hello everyone, my name is Salem, I am from Egypt and I currently live in Europe, I am a graduate of the Faculty of Law in Alexandria in Egypt, my mother tongue is Arabic and I love teaching it and explaining its details because I believe that it is a really interesting language I love the Arabic language and I love teaching it very much, as it is a language that is currently needed in various fields and is very exciting and fun to learn and since I did my university studies as a lawyer , I am familiar with all the terms and expressions in the Arabic language and I would really like to pass on my knowledge to many people. مرحبا بالجميع اسمي سالم انا من مصر واعيش حاليا في اوروبا انا خريج كلية الحقوق بالاسكندرية في مصر لغتي الام العربية واحب تدريسها وشرح تفاصيلها لانني اؤمن إنها لغة ممتعة حقًا ، أحب اللغة العربية وأحب تدريسها كثيرًا ، فهي لغة مطلوبة حاليًا في مختلف المجالات وممتعة للغاية للتعلم ، وبما أنى قمت بدراساتي الجامعية كمحامى ، أنا على دراية بجميع المصطلحات والتعبيرات في اللغة العربية وأود حقًا أن أنقل معرفتي إلى العديد من الأشخاص.

Mehr lesen


  • Arabisch Anfänger/A1-2, Mittelstufe/B1-2, Fortgeschritten/C1, Fortgeschritten/C2

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Bachelor-Abschluss Law (L.L.B) From Alexandria Egypt

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