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Hello, my name is Sajan and I’m 20 years old. Growing up I was always fairly good at maths but my teachers weren’t the best and I decided to get a maths tutor for my GCSEs. My tutor was very thorough and attentive. It led to me getting an A* and as I entered sixth form I decided to also become a tutor and adopt the same teaching techniques that were taught to me. I believe students learn best in a one-to-one scenario where they feel comfortable with their tutor and are excited to learn. I have a...

Hello, my name is Sajan and I’m 20 years old. Growing up I was always fairly good at maths but my teachers weren’t the best and I decided to get a maths tutor for my GCSEs. My tutor was very thorough and attentive. It led to me getting an A* and as I entered sixth form I decided to also become a tutor and adopt the same teaching techniques that were taught to me. I believe students learn best in a one-to-one scenario where they feel comfortable with their tutor and are excited to learn. I have a systematic approach of completing each chapter with a short exam to see how well my students have retained their information and as the students get closer to their final exam, I introduce past papers to give them that experience. I follow the exam boards notes in my teachings and use modern teaching methods that worked for me five years prior, when I sat my own exams. Homework is essential to the way I teach and I ensure that it is simple and effective. Breaking down questions so students do 2 questions of a topic a day over the course of a week means they’re more likely to retain it than if they completed it all in a day. Finally, despite my young age I have plenty of experience in tutoring (4 years) and have led many students to get As and A*s in their GCSEs.

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  • Mathe
    • Algebra
    • Statistiken
    • Mathematische Grundlagen
    • Lineare Algebra
    • Numerische Analyse
    • Trigonometrie

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Bildung und Abschlüsse

Zertifikat Gcse
Bachelor-Abschluss A Level