Sabrine L.

Lehrerin aus Marokko"

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Welcome! My name is Sabrine, and I'm a devoted and enthusiastic teacher from the beautiful country of Morocco through whom you can explore the world of languages. Growing up with Arabic as my first language and becoming very strong at English, I manage to make language learning fun and to look like a real journey. Still a student, I have managed to complete my third year of university studies in English that helps me to include personal reflections, insights, and a wide range of academic knowled...

Welcome! My name is Sabrine, and I'm a devoted and enthusiastic teacher from the beautiful country of Morocco through whom you can explore the world of languages. Growing up with Arabic as my first language and becoming very strong at English, I manage to make language learning fun and to look like a real journey. Still a student, I have managed to complete my third year of university studies in English that helps me to include personal reflections, insights, and a wide range of academic knowledge that I offer as an instructor. Come and learn with me to earn the unique expertise of an exciting teacher and to become absolutely capable of mastering new languages by the use of my dynamic and engaging approach!

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  • Arabisch Fortgeschritten/C2

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EnglischFachliche Kompetenz


Bildung und Abschlüsse

Zertifikat Certificate Arabic Am Lernen