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Rose N.

Aus Südafrika"

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Hello there, my name is Rose and I am from South Africa, city of Gold .I am a final year law student in one of the biggest universities in South Africa, North West University. I am a qualified TEFL teacher with two years of experience. I have a background in communication, history, geography, business and biology. I am a very dedicated person. I like doing best in everything i do. When it comes to teaching my students, I excel best. I ensure that we have a goal we thrive towards and that we ach...

Hello there, my name is Rose and I am from South Africa, city of Gold .I am a final year law student in one of the biggest universities in South Africa, North West University. I am a qualified TEFL teacher with two years of experience. I have a background in communication, history, geography, business and biology. I am a very dedicated person. I like doing best in everything i do. When it comes to teaching my students, I excel best. I ensure that we have a goal we thrive towards and that we achieve that goal at the end of our term. I am patient, kind and friendly. I make my classes more enjoyable to be in.

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  • Englisch
    • Grammatik
    • Business Englisch
    • Vokabeln
    • Konversation
    • Vorbereitung auf ein Vorstellungsgespräch
    • Schreiben

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Zertifikat Matric Ceertificate

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