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Aus Philippinen" , derzeit wohnhaft in Kasachstan

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Hello to all students around the globe! I am Ronnie Rustia, a graduate of Bachelor of Secondary Education major in physics. I have been teaching for 14 years now both local and international schools. I have been tutoring during my free time. I have handled mathematics, basic sciences, and physics for elementary and high school students. So far, I have mentored Europeans, Singaporeans, Chinese and Indonesian students. I covered Cambridge curriculum mathematics for grades 7 & 8, IGCSE Physics, I...

Hello to all students around the globe! I am Ronnie Rustia, a graduate of Bachelor of Secondary Education major in physics. I have been teaching for 14 years now both local and international schools. I have been tutoring during my free time. I have handled mathematics, basic sciences, and physics for elementary and high school students. So far, I have mentored Europeans, Singaporeans, Chinese and Indonesian students. I covered Cambridge curriculum mathematics for grades 7 & 8, IGCSE Physics, IGCSE Combined Science, and AS & A Level Physics. I really believe that learning will be made easy and fun by the teacher.

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  • Mathe
    • Algebra
    • Mathematische Grundlagen
    • Lineare Algebra
  • Physik
    • Schaltungstheorie und Elektronik
    • Thermodynamik
    • Atom- und Teilchenphysik
    • Physikalische Grundlagen
    • Mechanische Physik
    • Quantenphysik

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Bildung und Abschlüsse

Bachelor-Abschluss University Diploma
Master/Postgraduiertenstudium Units Am Lernen

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