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My name is Roland and I'm a Senior Java Developer. I've been working for the private sector and government agencies for over 20+ years. The one thing that sets me apart from the others is that I already have 5 years of tutoring and teaching experience. I can make sure that the concepts click and you gain a good understanding of the topics I'm covering. It doesn't matter if you're a true beginner or an intermediate developer; I'll make sure that I try my best to explain the concepts in ways yo...

My name is Roland and I'm a Senior Java Developer. I've been working for the private sector and government agencies for over 20+ years. The one thing that sets me apart from the others is that I already have 5 years of tutoring and teaching experience. I can make sure that the concepts click and you gain a good understanding of the topics I'm covering. It doesn't matter if you're a true beginner or an intermediate developer; I'll make sure that I try my best to explain the concepts in ways you can understand.

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  • Programmierung
    • Java
    • Spring Framework

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Bildung und Abschlüsse

Bachelor-Abschluss Bs Computer Science