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你好,我叫胥欣彤,我毕业于乐山师范学院英语系,我有5年的语言教学经验,其中2年是英文教学经验,3年的中文教学经验。我的课堂特色是通过听、说、读、写来全方面提升学生的中文水平。我会运用PPT课件和一些游戏小程序来丰富我的中文学习课堂,让学生学习中文的方式多样性,提升他们的学习中文语言的兴趣。我会根据每个学生不同的情况来进行我的中文课堂教学,我会在试听课时候对我的学生情况进行了解和评估,及他们学习中文的目的和他们期望自己能达到的一个水平做一个全方面的掌握。针对初级阶段的学生,我更多是通过反复的听和读及游戏的方式来进行教学互动和知识掌握的反馈,听和读作为中文的基础,需要打好更有利于日后的语言水平的提升学习。对于有一定中文基础的学生,我更多是采用说和写的方式来进一步提升学生的语言知识系统输出能力,让他们能熟练地完成中文对话及简单的一些中文写作。第一堂课我会根据每个学生上课的情况来制定教学方案,让每一个学生都能实现他们的中文学习的目标。 Hello, my name is Xu Xintong, I graduated from the English Department of Leshan ...

你好,我叫胥欣彤,我毕业于乐山师范学院英语系,我有5年的语言教学经验,其中2年是英文教学经验,3年的中文教学经验。我的课堂特色是通过听、说、读、写来全方面提升学生的中文水平。我会运用PPT课件和一些游戏小程序来丰富我的中文学习课堂,让学生学习中文的方式多样性,提升他们的学习中文语言的兴趣。我会根据每个学生不同的情况来进行我的中文课堂教学,我会在试听课时候对我的学生情况进行了解和评估,及他们学习中文的目的和他们期望自己能达到的一个水平做一个全方面的掌握。针对初级阶段的学生,我更多是通过反复的听和读及游戏的方式来进行教学互动和知识掌握的反馈,听和读作为中文的基础,需要打好更有利于日后的语言水平的提升学习。对于有一定中文基础的学生,我更多是采用说和写的方式来进一步提升学生的语言知识系统输出能力,让他们能熟练地完成中文对话及简单的一些中文写作。第一堂课我会根据每个学生上课的情况来制定教学方案,让每一个学生都能实现他们的中文学习的目标。 Hello, my name is Xu Xintong, I graduated from the English Department of Leshan Normal University, I have 5 years of language teaching experience, 2 years of which is English teaching experience, 3 years of Chinese teaching experience. My class features listening, speaking, reading and writing to improve students’Chinese proficiency. I will use PPT courseware and some game applets to enrich my Chinese learning classroom, so that students learn Chinese in a variety of ways to enhance their interest in learning the Chinese language. I will teach my Chinese class according to the different situation of each student. I will understand and evaluate my students during the audition, and their purpose of learning Chinese and the level they expect to achieve to do a comprehensive grasp. For the students at the primary stage, I use listening and reading and play games repeatedly to give feedback on teaching interaction and knowledge acquisition. Listening and reading are the basis of Chinese, need to play more conducive to the future of the language level to improve learning. For the students who have some basic knowledge of Chinese, I use speaking and writing methods to further enhance the students’language knowledge system output ability, so that they can skillfully complete Chinese dialogue and some simple Chinese writing. The first class I will be based on the situation of each student to develop teaching programs, so that each student can achieve their goals of learning Chinese.

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  • Chinesisch Anfänger/A1-2, Mittelstufe/B1-2, Fortgeschritten/C1, Fortgeschritten/C2

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