Lehrerin aus Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika"
Über mich
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My name is Rachel and I am a current college student in the US. I am a passionate artist and I have educational and professional experience with both traditional and digital art mediums. I love demonstrating new techniques and showing new students how to have the most fun and improvement when learning new artistic skills! I am always excited to work with new students and learn alongside them to cater to their artistic interests. If you need help with anything from learning a new medium or progr...
My name is Rachel and I am a current college student in the US. I am a passionate artist and I have educational and professional experience with both traditional and digital art mediums. I love demonstrating new techniques and showing new students how to have the most fun and improvement when learning new artistic skills! I am always excited to work with new students and learn alongside them to cater to their artistic interests. If you need help with anything from learning a new medium or program to planning out a project or portfolio, I'd be happy to help!
Technisches Zeichnen Anfänger, Mittelstufe, Fortgeschritten
Grafik Design
- Ilustrator
- Photoshop
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