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Aus Polen"

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Über mich

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I have many years of experience in teaching and programming. I can teach PHP, JavaSciprt, Java, or Python. I use modern learning methods with the use of modern tools. In education, I focus on familiarizing students with current tools and documentation and how to use them. My goal is to make the student independent as soon as possible. I can also help with projects. I have worked on various projects in various solutions and from multiple industries. Among other things, an online exchange office, ...

I have many years of experience in teaching and programming. I can teach PHP, JavaSciprt, Java, or Python. I use modern learning methods with the use of modern tools. In education, I focus on familiarizing students with current tools and documentation and how to use them. My goal is to make the student independent as soon as possible. I can also help with projects. I have worked on various projects in various solutions and from multiple industries. Among other things, an online exchange office, a telephone exchange, BPM, a recruitment portal, an application for managing patients by doctors, and many others.

Mehr lesen


  • Programmierung
    • Javascript
    • PHP
    • Python
    • Web-Entwicklung
    • Java

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Bewertungen meiner Studenten

I have started learning with Pawel, he is friendly and highly knowledgable about back-end development. I liked that he puts emphasis on using best practice technologies (docker etc.)
Wisdom Anthony
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EnglischFachliche Kompetenz


Bildung und Abschlüsse

Master/Postgraduiertenstudium Technika Rolnicza I Leśna
Abschlusszeugnis Zastosowanie Komputerów