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Lehrerin aus Argentinien" , derzeit wohnhaft in Spanien

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Hello! I'm Paula, a versatile violinist with a deep passion for music. My journey began with classical training at the esteemed Higher Institute of Arts at the Teatro Colon, where I honed my skills and graduated with distinction. Throughout my career, I've had the privilege of performing at prestigious venues across Latin America and Europe, both as a soloist and with various esteemed ensembles. My experience spans playing with the renowned "21 Century Orchestra," as well as being a member of ...

Hello! I'm Paula, a versatile violinist with a deep passion for music. My journey began with classical training at the esteemed Higher Institute of Arts at the Teatro Colon, where I honed my skills and graduated with distinction. Throughout my career, I've had the privilege of performing at prestigious venues across Latin America and Europe, both as a soloist and with various esteemed ensembles. My experience spans playing with the renowned "21 Century Orchestra," as well as being a member of the National Orchestra "Libertador San Martín." Beyond performance, I've found immense joy in sharing my knowledge and expertise as a violin instructor. I've had the privilege of teaching at the National Orchestra for the Bicentennial, where I've helped nurture the next generation of talented musicians. Additionally, my time as a violinist on Carnival Cruise Line allowed me to bring music to diverse audiences in a unique and vibrant setting. Whether on stage or in the classroom, I am dedicated to inspiring and empowering students to discover the beauty of violin music. I currently reside in Barcelona where I continue to perform, teach, and explore new musical horizons. I look forward to chatting with you

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  • Geige Anfänger, Mittelstufe, Fortgeschritten
  • Musik Anfänger, Mittelstufe, Fortgeschritten

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Spanisch Muttersprache


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Bachelor-Abschluss Músico De Orquesta