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🏆 Mehr als 10 Jahre Erfahrung im Online-Unterricht


Lehrerin aus Argentinien"

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Hi! My name is Paula and i'm from Patagonia, Argentina. I love teaching and chating. I think everyones has something to learn, and something to teach. I'm ready to found a pasion for you to conect with Spanish, I belive emotions are the true way for true learning. It is really important to be realistic about your golds, yours limits, your energy and your time, to avoid any kind of frustation. Gramatics can be fun, and there are a lots of diferents ways to improve your spanish. I hope you join m...

Hi! My name is Paula and i'm from Patagonia, Argentina. I love teaching and chating. I think everyones has something to learn, and something to teach. I'm ready to found a pasion for you to conect with Spanish, I belive emotions are the true way for true learning. It is really important to be realistic about your golds, yours limits, your energy and your time, to avoid any kind of frustation. Gramatics can be fun, and there are a lots of diferents ways to improve your spanish. I hope you join me! It's gonna be fun! Let's get started!

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  • Spanisch
    • Konversation
    • Phonetik
    • Grammatik
    • Schreiben
    • Vokabeln
    • Leseverstehen

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Bewertungen der Studenten

Paula es profesora muy excelente que buena ensenar en concepto y explicar de idioma español comprehensiva y filosofia y como explicar practicando en comunicación.
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Spanisch Muttersprache

EnglischFachliche Kompetenz


Bildung und Abschlüsse

Abschlusszeugnis Diplomatura En Ciencias Humanas
Bachelor-Abschluss Licenciatura En Letras Am Lernen

Mehr über mich (Hobbys, Interessen...)