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Paola S.

Lehrerin aus Kolumbien" , derzeit wohnhaft in Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika

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I can teach you yoga in a whole way. I know the correct alignment, and some help of each pose for your practice really can help you physically, I know the meditations of each pose for your practice can help you emotionally and spiritually; and also in my 8 years of experience I have taught people with various diseases and physical discomfort, also to children and adolescents full of energy, and to people with experience in yoga who want to learn more. I'm your teacher, contact me.


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Spanisch Muttersprache

EnglischFachliche Kompetenz

Bildung und Abschlüsse

Bachelor-Abschluss Trabajadora Social
Zertifikat Instructora De Yoga
Zertifikat Manejo De Emociones
Zertifikat Meditación Vipassana Y Anapana
Abschlusszeugnis Pedagogías Para El Bienestar Am Lernen

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