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My name is Obed. I have a Masters degree in Mathematics from University of Warwick. I am a data analyst and I truly enjoy teaching and discussing mathematics and computer programs. My class is interactive. It usually begins with an overview of what to expect and ends with a review of what was discussed, what to expect at the next class. Students have given me positive feedback on this approach because it helps them to connect the dots on how different topics connect together. A trial will convin...

My name is Obed. I have a Masters degree in Mathematics from University of Warwick. I am a data analyst and I truly enjoy teaching and discussing mathematics and computer programs. My class is interactive. It usually begins with an overview of what to expect and ends with a review of what was discussed, what to expect at the next class. Students have given me positive feedback on this approach because it helps them to connect the dots on how different topics connect together. A trial will convince you. Let’s talk!

Mehr lesen


  • Mathe
    • Mathematische Grundlagen
    • Lineare Algebra
    • Angewandte Mathematik
    • Trigonometrie
    • Rechnen
    • LaTeX
  • Programmierung
    • SQL
    • Javascript
    • HTML
    • Python
    • Web-Entwicklung
    • Matlab

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Bildung und Abschlüsse

Master/Postgraduiertenstudium Degree

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