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Noor A.

Lehrerin aus Kolumbien" , derzeit wohnhaft in Türkei

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Über mich

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I have a degree in ethno-education, based in Istanbul, Turkey with a specialization in Islamic studies and the Ottoman Empire. Researcher for the isar vakfi foundation. I teach online classes on Islamic studies of the Middle East and related to the history of Rome and the Ottoman Empire. I have 5 years of experience teaching in-person classes. I speak Spanish, English and Turkish to be able to explain in more detail the topics that the student is interested in helping you in your subject or goal...

I have a degree in ethno-education, based in Istanbul, Turkey with a specialization in Islamic studies and the Ottoman Empire. Researcher for the isar vakfi foundation. I teach online classes on Islamic studies of the Middle East and related to the history of Rome and the Ottoman Empire. I have 5 years of experience teaching in-person classes. I speak Spanish, English and Turkish to be able to explain in more detail the topics that the student is interested in helping you in your subject or goal for your career.

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  • Geschichte Fortgeschritten

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Spanisch Muttersprache


Bildung und Abschlüsse

Bachelor-Abschluss Licenciada En Etnoeducacion

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