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Hello, I am Nisha, an Applications Engineer at Synopsys.I work on AMBA protocols which are used for on-chip communications for high performance SOC designs. I have completed my Bachelors of Technology in Electronics and Communication Engineering from Manipal University Jaipur(MUJ) Apart from being into the tech industry, I have a deep profound interest in teaching. I have taught my fellow class mates and also my juniors at MUJ. I focus on understanding the concepts first, before we go through ...

Hello, I am Nisha, an Applications Engineer at Synopsys.I work on AMBA protocols which are used for on-chip communications for high performance SOC designs. I have completed my Bachelors of Technology in Electronics and Communication Engineering from Manipal University Jaipur(MUJ) Apart from being into the tech industry, I have a deep profound interest in teaching. I have taught my fellow class mates and also my juniors at MUJ. I focus on understanding the concepts first, before we go through the questions. I believe practice and perseverance is the key to a success.We will work together and sail it through :)

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  • Mathe
    • Algebra
    • Mathematische Grundlagen
    • Trigonometrie
    • Geometrie
  • Elektronik Anfänger

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