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Lehrerin aus Die Niederlande"

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Hi! I’m Níne Brits, I am a qualified Chartered Accountant and have been working at a top audit firm for 3.5 years. To become a Chartered Accountant, I studied for 4 years a University in South Africa. I completed my articles (3 years) and passed all exams in this time. From a young age, I’ve had an interest in accounting and would love to share this with students. I understand every student has different methods of learning and will work with you to ensure we obtain the best one for you. Your go...

Hi! I’m Níne Brits, I am a qualified Chartered Accountant and have been working at a top audit firm for 3.5 years. To become a Chartered Accountant, I studied for 4 years a University in South Africa. I completed my articles (3 years) and passed all exams in this time. From a young age, I’ve had an interest in accounting and would love to share this with students. I understand every student has different methods of learning and will work with you to ensure we obtain the best one for you. Your goals will become my goals.

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Bildung und Abschlüsse

Abschlusszeugnis Degree In Accounting
Master/Postgraduiertenstudium Post Graduate Diploma In Accounting

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