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Hi there! I'm Nicoleta, currently studying Cardiac Physiology at university. As a student myself, I understand the excitement and challenges of learning about Natural Sciences. In my online classes, I aim to make science come alive for school pupils. I use interactive tools like quizzes and visual demonstrations to make learning engaging and memorable. Together, we'll explore the fascinating realms of biology, chemistry, and physics, sparking a passion for Natural Sciences that lasts a lifetime!...

Hi there! I'm Nicoleta, currently studying Cardiac Physiology at university. As a student myself, I understand the excitement and challenges of learning about Natural Sciences. In my online classes, I aim to make science come alive for school pupils. I use interactive tools like quizzes and visual demonstrations to make learning engaging and memorable. Together, we'll explore the fascinating realms of biology, chemistry, and physics, sparking a passion for Natural Sciences that lasts a lifetime!

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  • Naturwissenschaften Anfänger, Mittelstufe

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Abschlusszeugnis Cardiac Physiology Am Lernen