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Aus Argentinien"

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I am a journalist (FPyCS, UNLP) with experience in radio hosting and production (I worked at Radio Universidad and Radio 221 in La Plata, as well as the Bahía Blanca radio stations Radio Nacional, FM Altos and LU3), and in graphics I participated in the production and writing of several cultural magazines and news web portals (in turn I have collaborated as a photojournalist). In the audiovisual field I was a producer and scriptwriter at Channel 27 in La Plata and an editor at the production com...

I am a journalist (FPyCS, UNLP) with experience in radio hosting and production (I worked at Radio Universidad and Radio 221 in La Plata, as well as the Bahía Blanca radio stations Radio Nacional, FM Altos and LU3), and in graphics I participated in the production and writing of several cultural magazines and news web portals (in turn I have collaborated as a photojournalist). In the audiovisual field I was a producer and scriptwriter at Channel 27 in La Plata and an editor at the production company La Grappa Contenidos, in addition to producing audiovisual and graphic material managing the networks at "Piso11" (FM Altos). Currently I am an audiovisual producer and editor, working in different areas of art and music. I also give private saxophone lessons, both for the instrument and for music theory.

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  • Saxophon
  • Sozialwissenschaften

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Bachelor-Abschluss Comunicación Social (Orientación Periodismo)