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Lehrerin aus Die Niederlande"

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After working for large companies for many years and receiving coaching and mentoring myself, I’ve spent the last 5 years helping others achieve their personal growth. I provide you with the tools I’ve developed for myself, whether it’s mastering sales and leadership skills or improving your overall lifestyle. Are you considering a career change, looking to understand yourself better, or do you already know what you want and now need to build confidence and courage? I’m here to help. The most im...

After working for large companies for many years and receiving coaching and mentoring myself, I’ve spent the last 5 years helping others achieve their personal growth. I provide you with the tools I’ve developed for myself, whether it’s mastering sales and leadership skills or improving your overall lifestyle. Are you considering a career change, looking to understand yourself better, or do you already know what you want and now need to build confidence and courage? I’m here to help. The most important thing to remember: it all starts with you! My goal is to support you in your growth so that you learn to become your own best coach — and eventually no longer need me :)

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  • Coaching Anfänger, Mittelstufe, Fortgeschritten

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EnglischUmfassende Kompetenzen

Bildung und Abschlüsse

Abschlusszeugnis Bachelor Of Aviation Engineering
Zertifikat Basics In Neuroscience
Zertifikat Managing Anxiety And Mental Health (Cbt)
Zertifikat Positive Psychology Am Lernen

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