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Aus Vereinigtes Königreich" , derzeit wohnhaft in Malta

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Hello, my name is Murray. I have been working with the English language for a long time as an editor and writer. Much of this has been for an audience whose first language may not be English. As a result, I have learned to communicate clearly and precisely. Along the way, I have learned about the meanings and structure of the language, the structure of sentences. Also, importantly, how the language is changing – how words change their meaning, common mistakes in conversations (by native English ...

Hello, my name is Murray. I have been working with the English language for a long time as an editor and writer. Much of this has been for an audience whose first language may not be English. As a result, I have learned to communicate clearly and precisely. Along the way, I have learned about the meanings and structure of the language, the structure of sentences. Also, importantly, how the language is changing – how words change their meaning, common mistakes in conversations (by native English speakers!), and so on. I have been told that I should apply this passion by teaching others – thus my presence here. I have a number of particular interests, and thus could hold knowledgeable conversations on these topics. They are politics – particularly France, Germany, UK, US. The environment. Economics. Animal welfare. Technology - AI, crypto, social media.

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  • Englisch
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FranzösischUmfassende Kompetenzen

Bildung und Abschlüsse

Abschlusszeugnis Gcse English, Maths, History, Geography, Literature Am Lernen