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🏆 Mehr als 3 Jahre Erfahrung im Online-Unterricht

Muhammad N.

Aus Pakistan"

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Are you looking to learn the fundamentals of programming and tackle complex projects with confidence? Look no further! As an experienced programming tutor, I can provide expert guidance on a wide range of languages including python, Java, C++, Dart and SQL database. I am flutter developer so I can help you in android and Ios app development. As Algorithm is the core of programing and you are scared of it as most of the people, then you are at right place to learn Algorithms in the simplest and e...

Are you looking to learn the fundamentals of programming and tackle complex projects with confidence? Look no further! As an experienced programming tutor, I can provide expert guidance on a wide range of languages including python, Java, C++, Dart and SQL database. I am flutter developer so I can help you in android and Ios app development. As Algorithm is the core of programing and you are scared of it as most of the people, then you are at right place to learn Algorithms in the simplest and easiest way. I have a strong background in mathematics, which I use to help students understand complex concepts and algorithms.

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  • Programmierung
    • Android
    • Python
    • C++
    • Web-Entwicklung
    • Java
    • Dart
  • Informatik
    • Windows

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EnglischUmfassende Kompetenzen

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Abschlusszeugnis Bs Software Engineering