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Aus Pakistan"

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Hey there! My name's M Hasnain, and biology is where it's at for me. Maybe you're in the same boat, curious about the incredible world around us? Here's what makes my classes different: I wasn't just another student in biology; I aced it! I graduated at the top of my class with a Bachelor's degree in Microbiology (a branch of biology) from the University of Karachi, Pakistan. That means I not only understand the concepts, but I also know what it takes to truly excel in this subject. But forg...

Hey there! My name's M Hasnain, and biology is where it's at for me. Maybe you're in the same boat, curious about the incredible world around us? Here's what makes my classes different: I wasn't just another student in biology; I aced it! I graduated at the top of my class with a Bachelor's degree in Microbiology (a branch of biology) from the University of Karachi, Pakistan. That means I not only understand the concepts, but I also know what it takes to truly excel in this subject. But forget boring textbooks! My classes are all about sparking that inner biologist in you. We'll dive deep into the fascinating world of cells, explore the intricate dance of life processes, and unravel the mysteries of how organisms interact with each other and their environment. Think CSI meets Planet Earth – with a dash of fun! I like to keep things organized, but not rigid. We'll have a clear structure, using engaging activities, interactive discussions, and yes, even some cool experiments (think growing your own mini-ecosystem!) to make learning stick. But remember, your questions and interests are what truly drive the class. Don't be shy – I'm here to make sure you understand, not just memorize. Speaking of experience, I've been teaching biology for the past 4 years. I'm comfortable working with high school and even university-level students, whether you're a complete beginner or looking to take your knowledge to the next level. The bottom line? If you're looking for a biology class that's both informative and exciting, where you can ask questions, get hands-on, and actually enjoy learning about the wonders of life, then let's chat!

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  • Biologie
    • Biologie-Grundlagenlehrer
    • microbiologia
    • virologia
    • inmunologia

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Bildung und Abschlüsse

Master/Postgraduiertenstudium Degree In Microbiology