🏆 Mehr als 10 Jahre Erfahrung im Online-Unterricht

Mostafa E.

Aus Oman"

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I am Dr. Mustafa Al-Sayed, a Professor of Pure Mathematics with over 15 years of teaching experience. I have taught many university courses including Numerical Analysis- differential equations - fractional differential equations - pure mathematics lecture ( linear algebra- probability- calculus- ordinary differential equations- Special functions- Trigonometric function- mathematics and Biological Statistics) - Mathematica program- spectral collocation methods- special functions- scientific resea...

I am Dr. Mustafa Al-Sayed, a Professor of Pure Mathematics with over 15 years of teaching experience. I have taught many university courses including Numerical Analysis- differential equations - fractional differential equations - pure mathematics lecture ( linear algebra- probability- calculus- ordinary differential equations- Special functions- Trigonometric function- mathematics and Biological Statistics) - Mathematica program- spectral collocation methods- special functions- scientific research- Latex- Word- PowerPoint- Numerical methods- approximations theory- preparing exams- proposal for Ph.D. students and MSc students. Learn all students under level or high degree levels. explain Mathematics in a very fantastic manner. I have published over 20 scientific research papers in international journals. I also teach and supervise graduate and doctoral students. . I have sufficient expertise to work on this project. I have published research papers in various forms for different journals. I hope to collaborate and work with you on this project and future projects. I am capable of teaching online for all Pure Mathematics courses and the first lecture will be free. Sincerely Prof. Mostafa

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  • Mathe
    • Statistiken
    • Mathematische Grundlagen
    • Numerische Analyse
    • Trigonometrie
    • Rechnen
    • LaTeX

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