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Aus Ägypten"

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Hello! My name is Mr. Mohamed Sherif Abdelghaffar, but you can call me Sherif if it's any easier. I'm a fairly new teacher. I have a few months of teaching experience in a nursery close to home. But I consider myself versatile when it comes to ages, so don't worry. A- If you are a travelling backpacker, and your next stop is an Arab country, you have come to the right place. Please book a lesson with me to enjoy many educational benefits alongside earning Arabic competence. These benefits includ...

Hello! My name is Mr. Mohamed Sherif Abdelghaffar, but you can call me Sherif if it's any easier. I'm a fairly new teacher. I have a few months of teaching experience in a nursery close to home. But I consider myself versatile when it comes to ages, so don't worry. A- If you are a travelling backpacker, and your next stop is an Arab country, you have come to the right place. Please book a lesson with me to enjoy many educational benefits alongside earning Arabic competence. These benefits include: 1- A large number of terms used daily in the dialect of the selected country. 2- A comprehensive guide to the various cultures and ways of dealing with people in the chosen country. B- If you are an expatriate parent trying to maintain your child’s connection to their Arab heritage, you have come to the right place as well. I prepared a complete program to qualify children from 10 to 15 years old in the Arabic language so that they do not lose their Arab identity. C- If you are a non-Arabic speaking Muslim, and you want to learn the language of the Holy Quran, then you have also come to the right place. The Qur’an has wisdom and greatness that cannot be comprehended except by understanding the Arabic language. I am here to help you reach that level. A, B, or C, wherever your heart lies, I advise you to book a free trial lesson, and you won't regret it!

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  • Arabisch Anfänger/A1-2, Mittelstufe/B1-2, Fortgeschritten/C1, Fortgeschritten/C2

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Bachelor-Abschluss Bachelor Of Medicine, Bachelor Of Surgery Am Lernen