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Aus Irland"

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Introduction: Hello! My name is Michael, and I'm excited to be your English techer. I'm from Ireland and have over 7 years of teaching experience. What sets me apart from other teachers is my personalized and interactive approach to teaching. I believe that everyone can learn English, and I have the tools and techniques to help you succeed. What Makes Me Different : My teaching style is all about you. I create lessons tailored to your unique needs and goals, ensuring that you get the most out ...

Introduction: Hello! My name is Michael, and I'm excited to be your English techer. I'm from Ireland and have over 7 years of teaching experience. What sets me apart from other teachers is my personalized and interactive approach to teaching. I believe that everyone can learn English, and I have the tools and techniques to help you succeed. What Makes Me Different : My teaching style is all about you. I create lessons tailored to your unique needs and goals, ensuring that you get the most out of each session. I use real-life scenarios, multimedia tools, and engaging activities to make learning enjoyable and effective. I also bring my diverse interests, like hiking, reading novels, and exploring new cuisines, into our lessons to make them relatable and fun. How I Organize My Classes: I start by understanding your specific goals and current level of English. Based on this, I create a personalized learning plan. Each lesson is designed to be interactive, combining speaking, listening, reading, and writing activities. We will use practical exercises, real-world examples, and continuous feedback to build your confidence and improve your skills. I also provide additional resources for practice outside of our lessons, so you can keep progressing at your own pace. Building Trust: I know that learning a new language can be challenging, but I'm here to support you every step of the way. My goal is to create a friendly and supportive learning environment where you feel comfortable to practice and make mistakes. I am patient, approachable, and always ready to answer your questions. Your success is my priority, and I am committed to helping you achieve your English language goals. Join me, and let's make learning English an exciting and rewarding journey together. I look forward to meeting you and helping you unlock your full potential in English! Book your first lesson today, and let's get started!

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  • Englisch
    • Grammatik
    • Vokabeln
    • Konversation
    • IELTS Prüfungsvorbereitung
    • Leseverstehen
    • Schreiben
  • Niederländisch Anfänger/A1-2, Mittelstufe/B1-2, Fortgeschritten/C1, Fortgeschritten/C2

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Zertifikat Tefl English Teaching