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Aus Südafrika"

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Hi there! My name is Matthew Foot. I'm a passionate teacher, who enjoys using guided questioning to enhance a learner's understanding of a topic. I have a BA and PGCE from Rhodes University, graduating in 2016 and received my PGCE in 2017. I am an experienced ESL teacher, having taught a variety of levels from beginners to IELTS in Vietnam for 7 years. I find that modern technology can be particularly useful in helping find a variety of sources that can further curiosity on a subject and allow l...

Hi there! My name is Matthew Foot. I'm a passionate teacher, who enjoys using guided questioning to enhance a learner's understanding of a topic. I have a BA and PGCE from Rhodes University, graduating in 2016 and received my PGCE in 2017. I am an experienced ESL teacher, having taught a variety of levels from beginners to IELTS in Vietnam for 7 years. I find that modern technology can be particularly useful in helping find a variety of sources that can further curiosity on a subject and allow learners involvement to steer the direction of the focus of particular lesson objectives.

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  • Geschichte Anfänger, Mittelstufe, Fortgeschritten

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Bildung und Abschlüsse

Ausbildung und Erfahrung Degree
Master/Postgraduiertenstudium Post Graduate Certificate In Education

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