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Lehrerin aus Ägypten"

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Hello, my name is Marsa and I am from Egypt. I am a teacher with the degree of a certified expert teacher of the Arabic language with more than 30 years of experience. I hold certificates in learning difficulties and experience in dealing with students of various levels and I can help them learn new things. I am also very passionate about teaching music. Rhythmic and lyrical solfege. I will help my students to learn and speak Arabic In an easy and fun way. I study with the modern education s...

Hello, my name is Marsa and I am from Egypt. I am a teacher with the degree of a certified expert teacher of the Arabic language with more than 30 years of experience. I hold certificates in learning difficulties and experience in dealing with students of various levels and I can help them learn new things. I am also very passionate about teaching music. Rhythmic and lyrical solfege. I will help my students to learn and speak Arabic In an easy and fun way. I study with the modern education system Education 2.0 It is learner-centered instruction using the four communication skills of listening, speaking, reading, and writing. In the trial lesson, I will determine your level so that I can develop a personalized plan that suits your needs. I will help you not only learn the Arabic language but also love it using easy methods. Do you want to learn Arabic language? Are you looking for a professional and creative teacher who will help you learn the Arabic language easily? Then you are in the right place In my lessons, I use songs, games, stories, and other interactive activities that help you understand and practice using the Arabic language. I also take into account the differences between students, and provide them with support to learn the Arabic language and assistance to speed up their success. If you are looking for a creative specialist who will help you learn the Arabic language, do not hesitate to book a trial lesson with me Why should you request a trial lesson with me? I am a professional and creative teacher with experience in teaching Arabic and a fun and creative approach to teaching, helping students learn Arabic quickly and easily. I take into account the individual differences of children, and provide them with diverse guarantees to learn the Arabic language quickly and successfully.

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  • Arabisch Anfänger/A1-2, Mittelstufe/B1-2, Fortgeschritten/C1, Fortgeschritten/C2

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