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Hello! My name is Marques Charlton, and I am excited to be joining ClassGap as a Math Tutor! I have a degree in Finance from Clarkson University, and I also have a Master's degree in Leadership from St. Lawrence University. I currently am a High School Math Teacher in Hampton, Georgia. I have been teaching ant tutoring Math for more than 10 years. I have taught at the elementary, middle, and high school level. My classes are structured according to the needs of each student that I am teac...

Hello! My name is Marques Charlton, and I am excited to be joining ClassGap as a Math Tutor! I have a degree in Finance from Clarkson University, and I also have a Master's degree in Leadership from St. Lawrence University. I currently am a High School Math Teacher in Hampton, Georgia. I have been teaching ant tutoring Math for more than 10 years. I have taught at the elementary, middle, and high school level. My classes are structured according to the needs of each student that I am teaching and I am excited to help you reach your math goals. I look forward to working with you!

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  • Mathe
    • Algebra
    • Mathematische Grundlagen

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Bildung und Abschlüsse

Bachelor-Abschluss Finance Degree
Abschlusszeugnis Leadership Degree