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Lehrerin aus Vereinigtes Königreich"

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I am a songwriter and music producer with many years of experience in both music and teaching. I have taught across various ages and skill levels and am adaptable to the student's needs, preferences and goals. I prefer a practical approach, and I want to make sure that you can apply what you have learned after the very first lesson. Firstly, I will discuss what you want to get out of our lessons and what your current experience level is - and do not worry if you are a complete beginner! We will...

I am a songwriter and music producer with many years of experience in both music and teaching. I have taught across various ages and skill levels and am adaptable to the student's needs, preferences and goals. I prefer a practical approach, and I want to make sure that you can apply what you have learned after the very first lesson. Firstly, I will discuss what you want to get out of our lessons and what your current experience level is - and do not worry if you are a complete beginner! We will then look at some topics, subject to your exact goals, and will go through them bit by bit. We will cover some music theory too, but don't worry, we will make this practical and fun. Last but not least in the slightest, we will look at some of your favourite songs and break them down, developing your active listening skills and your ability to reference songs. And should that be of interest, we can discuss some career options and opportunities in music. I am a Logic Pro user, but I am a huge proponent of using the tools that suit your needs best. So pick your DAW of choice and let's figure it out together! I will also give you a good list of resources - videos to watch in your free time, websites to refer to when creating on your own, and a fair amount of free and cheap plugins that can kickstart your music journey.

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  • Musikproduktion
    • Logic Pro X

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Master/Postgraduiertenstudium Meng Computer Science